Sunday, October 23, 2005

Duane Tron: WHO didn't plan properly, Mr. Brandt?

Duane to Molly
Oct. 22, 2005

I told you he is another uncaring idiot that knows nothing about anything. He tells us it's our problem because we didn't plan adequately for our retirement??!! Many of us did plan adequately and this is why we haven't lost our house, car among other things. We did save and lost a bundle to the "fat" cats in 2002 when the market went south.

Those of us working in the poor and rural schools were at a decided disadvantage when it came to saving a lot as our pay was very LOW. We worked for most of our careers at substandard wages in substandard working conditions. And this jerk, the president of OSBA, has the unmitigated nerve to imply that we didn't plan properly??!! We did plan based on the pitiful wages we earned over 25-30 years. Let's see??!! It took me nearly ten years to pay off my student loans since my family couldn't afford to pay for me to attend college. I joined the military and used the GI Bill to help offset my college expenses.

I was then told that I NEEDED to return to college and obtain a Master's Degree, in addition to ongoing CEU's, to upgrade my certification. Did any of the school systems I worked for reimburse or pay for any of the thousands of dollars I expended during this time??!! NOT!!!

Mr. Brandt wishes to imply that we didn't plan properly! With what??! I spent another seven years paying off the loans I needed to obtain my Master's Degree! I spent 17 years of my teaching career paying back money I borrowed so I could become an impoverished teacher. I guess Mr. Brandt assumes we all were born with silver spoons in our mouths? I guess he assumes we all graduated from high school and went to college and started working in the high dollar school systems!!

When I quit my job in 1970 to start teaching it took me 15 years to get back to the salary I was making in the corporate sector before I chose to become a teacher. Imagine that??!! Then this Mr. Brandt wants to engage us and accuse us of poor planning! Oh! I forgot! As soon as I paid off my loan for my Master's I had to start paying for my daughter to attend college. Unlike our parents my wife and I promised our daughter that we would pay for her attend college. The last of her student loans will be paid off next year. Imagine that??!!

Mr. Brandt has his head up his you know what but that doesn't surprise me. There seem to be a lot of people with their heads up their you know what's these days!! It has reached epidemic proportions in Ohio.

Molly he said he doesn't know anything about your personal circumstances among other things. It wasn't in plain text, as it was on WordPad, and I had to try and decipher what he sent you. I'll try and send it to you so you can see what kind of morons we're dealing with. There weren't any surprises in anything he said! Just another uncaring and insensitive political hack who thinks he knows a lot about a lot of things, and knows very little about anything!!! My take for what it's worth!!


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