Saturday, November 12, 2005

RHJones reports on the 11/10/05 STRS Health Care Discussion Meeting in Summit County

"The blame for this shortcoming in HC/Rx and CCOLA is ourselves. In the past we did not do a good selling job; therefore, we MUST do it now. Who knows? If we don't sell education here in Ohio, and across our great nation, America may, in 100-yrs, have rice paddies from sea to shining sea. Active or retired, we're teachers, we need to sell education until our last breath."

The meeting, hosted by STRS employees Mike Spino and Gary Russell, was held at the Sheraton West at 7:00 PM., having 60, or so, in the audience. This audience was a diverse mix of those just starting their teaching careers, those in the last 10 yrs. of teaching, and those of us retired teachers. Difficult questions came from all 3 groups. However, active teachers were underrepresented. It was noted that STRS Bd member, Constance Ramser was present -- Dr. Fluke, retired, and his wife, Nancy, an active, discussed the meeting with her afterwords.

My criticism was that there was a need for name tags; and, also, the STRS presentation needs to be in terms that a non-staff member can understand.

It appeared to me, that the fate of the STRS request of an increase in the employer/empoyee contribution rate will be a difficult sell and ALL actives and retired educators need to back STRS 110% in this most horrific fight. Without this increase we can expect very little in the future as to improvement to our HC/Rx. For both active & retired, in a few short years it is a possiblity that the HC/Rx may even become impossible for the STRS to maintain -- it may become extinct. Therefore, it is absolutely critical that we all sell the increase to all of Ohio's citizens.

We retirees thought that when we retired, we would be free from selling to the public increased investment into public education. Not so! If we think we can stop now; we are wrong to think this. TOGETHER, we must "think smart" to get this increase passed in the legislature! Let's do it! In their presentation, Mr. Spino and Mr. Russell and the STRS gained us the boost we needed to get moving forward on this extremely critical matter. For our well being now and in the future, this is a much needed increase in the employee/employer contribution to support a legislated HC/Rx offering.

For the benefit of all of us active/retired, I brought up the question of a Compounded COLA. I realize that this is not part of the HC/Rx package, but feel that if this increase frees up the STRS for HC/Rx monies, there could become a possibility for an opening to gain a CCOLA in the near future. With many of us retirees huddled around our thermostats set at 60 degrees this winter, in addition to the HC/Rx, we most sorely need the CCOLA.

The blame for this shortcoming in HC/Rx and CCOLA is ourselves. In the past we did not do a good selling job; therefore, we MUST do it now. Who knows? If we don't sell education here in Ohio, and across our great nation, America may, in 100-yrs, have rice paddies from sea to shining sea. Active or retired, we're teachers, we need to sell education until our last breath.
Larry KehresMount Union Collge
Division III
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