Sunday, January 08, 2006

John Curry vents re: Jim Petro and his 'family values' (read it and barf)

January 2, 2006
By John Curry
After watching another Jimmy Petro campaign commercial for governor featuring Bible thumping by Petro, family values, and losing my breakfast (in that order), I just had to put some feelings down in print.
Petro's message was dripping with family values. Where were the family values to the STRS Family of retirees during all those years when Jimmy was an STRS Board member?
He never cast a dissenting vote against STRS' most generous provisions for associate adoption bennies ($7,000), retiree subsidized cafeteria for STRS associates, globe trotting at the expense of retirees, 1 million retiree dollars for artwork for the STRS Family Home (92 million dollars), beach bar bills in Honolulu by STRS Board members, 24 million retiree dollars for STRS employee bonuses, $4,000 for retiring Board member Hazel Sidaway ( who is now charged with Ethics violations), 18,000 retirees' dollars spent air fare, clothing, cameras, etc. for a dedication ceremony of the STRS new family home on Broad St., 800,000 retiree dollars for an STRS employee child-care center -- over 400,000 additional retiree dollars spent in one year to subsidize it, and this is just a partial list of atrocities that Dennis Leone uncovered in his quest for transparency at STRS during Jimmy's reign on the STRS Board.
Jimmy Petro rubber stamped ALL of the above abuses of OUR retiree dollars.
Where were Jimmy's "family values" during those years? He could wear out a dozen Bibles thumping the above misspending of our monies that he graciously approved! Now, for a trip to the medicine cabinet and a healthy dose of Pepto-Bismol.
Larry KehresMount Union Collge
Division III
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