Saturday, January 21, 2006

Molly Janczyk: Reflections on STRS Board

From: Molly Janczyk
Sent: Friday, January 20, 2006
Subject: STRS Board Members: PTS: Reflection & Election denial of Ramser for a 2nd term

It is my fervent hope that all those affiliated with the current board will discuss issues in the forefront of STRS memberships' minds advising them to never again:
1. Vote on issues with no documentation or contracts in front of them which they have had ample time to review-esp. after learning items were voted on and approved when they board did not know of some items included in the contract.
It seems, however, that Meyers and Fisher see little wrong with costs thrown in here or violations there with companies doing business with STRS reflecting a corporate mentality in my opinion which has no place on a pension board.
2. Ask themselves what message it sends to vote raises for staff when membership is suffering catastrophically selling homes, refusing medical attention and meds due to costs. Retirees who served full careers have to return to work if able to pay for HC and absorb 800% increases since retiring with no warning.
3. Remain silent when rules for board procedure are being blatantly ignored to overrun board members who make substitute motions and who disagree. All should be outraged against power plays and disregard for correct procedure-not just 2 board members.
4. The Chair and Co Chair, Brown and Ramser, are trying to enforce appearances of board unity when voting is not unanimous. This is America and all have free speech.
5. I am adding one of my own, a NEW one: What about issues that are given to MOST but not ALL Board members to consider and VOTE ON? I want ALL ELEVEN Board members, not just the CHOSEN ones, to know what ALL the issues are, and to have the opportunity to discuss and vote on them with the other Board members!! Do we need a Board that keeps some of its OWN members out of the loop altogether when an issue comes up that may be controversial? I sure as #%&! don't!!! Game playing at its very worst!!! WHERE IS THE SUNSHINE LAW??? Kathie Bracy
The above issues are deep concerns of STRS membership and need attention for future meetings. The old board of rubber stamping is gone and this type of lingering mentality by the current Board Chair, Brown, and Co Chair, Ramser, is offensive and childish. Consider Dec.'s reported tantrum by Ramser and Brown's lack of knowledge with both of them objecting and denying discussion.
These actions did not go unnoticed and will have consequence. I strongly suggest STRS membership NOT VOTE FOR CONTINUED BAD BEHAVIOR OF CONNI RAMSER for another term on the STRS board. She was not elected the first time and appointed by the old STRS board, OEA dominated.
I request that the Governor and the Sen. Pres and Speaker of the House who appointed Fisher and Meyers speak with them or replace them with membership minded appointees.
I hope that Zelman speaks with Puckett on all these issues or replaces him as his tenure is long on this board. Puckett did stand for membership on the raises yesterday.
I trust that the other board members will reflect and see how this type of voting is inappropriate and harmful to membership money being spent without review or known purposes just as they would want such with their funds and according to ORC. law.
Further, I trust these well intentioned members will consider standing up for wrongs being evidenced on the part of the Chair and Co Chair denying all board member rights as they would wish for themselves in the same circumstance.
Getting along is not why any board member is elected. Right is right and never negotiable. We need strength for membership and careful deliberation of all sides of issues with intense research of ALL facts covered by a vote BEFORE voting.
Molly Janczyk
Larry KehresMount Union Collge
Division III
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