Sunday, January 29, 2006

RH Jones: ORC statement on election of STRS Board Chair and Vice Chair

From: RH Jones
Sent: Sunday, January 29, 2006
Subject: ORC Concerning STRS BD Chair & V-Chair

To Dennis. Leone, John Lazares and all:

Did a STRS BD vote take place to install the BD Chair & V-Chair?

Today, according to Anderson's OnLine Documentation taken from the Ohio Gov Site states this:

"3307.11. Officers; ...
The state teachers retirement board shall elect from its membership, a chairperson and a vice-chairperson...."

To me this law is very clear: If Brown & Ramser were not elected by the board, to the office of chair and v-chair, then they occupy the seats illegally and can be removed from those board positions. One would assume that elect means by a majority vote. If, in fact, they were elected by the majority vote to those positions; they legally serve.

However, it would seem to me (a reasonable person and novice of law) that if there has been a violation of ORC 3307.11, then any votes or rulings made by the board since these two were appointed is null and void. This is my opinion.


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