Thursday, January 05, 2006

Tom Curtis, Lara Baker re: Hazel Sidaway's $550 tickets to Broadway show 'Hairspray'

Hello Lara,

Thank you for taking the time to respond to my email. I appreciate your comments, your position and understand that I would want to have the same consideration, if I were the accused.

However, please keep in mind that if she is found guilty of the charges levied against her, she was considered the matriarch of this group of board members and went about her business unchecked for over a decade. Her feeling of entitlement was only overshadowed by the arrogant attitude she displayed toward the people she was elected to represent. In other words, she is a real sweetheart.

The rest of the board found her so special, they saw fit to throw her a $4100 going away party, at our expense. This entire group of board members had little concern for those they represented, which has resulted in the loss of health care benefits for many and greatly reduced benefits for others.

I have said all of this not to influence your opinion in anyway, as when you have an opportunity to question her, I am sure her charming and sweet disposition will overshadow her truly indigent attitude.

Thank you and have a nice day, Tom Curtis STRS Retiree

From: Baker, Lara N. To: Thomas Curtis Cc: Mcintosh, Stephen L.
Sent: Wednesday, January 04, 2006
Subject: RE: 010406 Curtis To Baker, Re Hazel Sideway

Mr. Curtis:

Thank you for your continued interest in this pending matter. However, since the matter is still a pending case and since Ms Sidaway remains merely an accused at this point, I cannot comment on either the state of the evidence or on any sentencing considerations in the event she is convicted. I trust that you will understand that for me to do so at this time would be inappropriate and would deprive Ms Sidaway of her constitutional right to be presumed innocent unless and until her guilt is proven beyond a reasonable doubt.

Once again, thank you for communicating your interest and concerns in this matter.

Lara Baker
Chief Legal Counsel, Criminal Division
Columbus City Attorney’s Office

From: Thomas Curtis
Sent: Wednesday, January 04, 2006
To: Baker, Lara N.
Subject: 010406 Curtis To Baker, Re Hazel Sideway

ANDREW WELSH-HUGGINS, AP Statehouse Correspondent, reported in the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette the following about Hazel Sidaway:

"In 2003, she accepted Broadway tickets to Hairspray for her husband and herself worth $550, also from Russell Investment Group, Baker said."

There seems to be a discrepancy from story to story about who paid for the board members' theater tickets. Joe says STRS was to have been billed, others report that the tickets were gifts from vendors, etc.

Either way, it appears that board members and spouses benefited. Using our funds to pay for board members was bad enough but spouses too!
Larry KehresMount Union Collge
Division III
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