Saturday, April 15, 2006

Duke Snider to Paul Kostyu: Hazel and the Sunshine Law

April 15, 2006
Mr. Kostyu,
It's amazing what some people can do, and regardless how ridiculous it is, they try to justify their actions. "The dog ate my homework."
I noticed in your article about "business" being discussed at certain locations, and I immediately thought of the Sunshine Law. Maybe it doesn't apply to certain organizations or certain people. I remember something being mentioned about a "beach bar bill" at one of the STRS meetings and Sidaway. Of course we retirees are always going to the beach, and having a bar bill, and traveling throughout the U.S. She probably will be slapped on the wrist, but after everything is over, she probably is ahead of the "game," frequent travels, etc., during her tenure as a STRS board member.
Hopefully more individuals will have to give some answers and "wipe away a tear." Maybe they will be thinking about the elderly lady who purchased her special shoes with her thirteenth check. Oh, I mean the thirteenth check she used to receive.
Duke Snider
Retired Educator
Sardinia, Ohio
Larry KehresMount Union Collge
Division III
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