Letters from retirees on rehiring
From Nancy Boomhower, July 24, 2006
Subject: Re: Rehire of Teachers & STRS
I keep thinking about this issue of rehirees and STRS insurance coverage. I wonder if we are considering all of the facts. One: these people are eligible for the insurance since they worked and paid in all of the required years and if they were not rehired, they would be receiving the insurance. Two: These people are paying into the STRS at the same 10% as other educators and the school systems are paying in the same 14% for them. Also, now 9% of what the school system pays in goes to other areas and only 5% goes into the rehirees accounts. Three: these people must be fairly healthy or they wouldn't be working so they help balance out the pool of insurees so we don't have all sickees. Have all of these factors been considered? The school systems are the ones who benefit from this arrangement. These rehires would probably have better coverage if they received it from the school rather than STRS. I know I did. Perhaps we need to have the info as to where the 9% goes and where the 14% paid into STRS by actives goes. Just some issues to investigate and think upon.
Nancy Boomhower
From Jim Kimmel, July 24, 2006
Subject: Re: Rehire of Teachers & STRS
From: (a retiree), July 20, 2006
Subject: Rehire of Teachers
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