Saturday, July 08, 2006

More debate on ORTA: Tom Cooper, Molly Janczyk, Dee Scott

From Tom Cooper
July 7, 2006
Re:[Dee Scott wrote] It's not going to happen. They are not endorsing. [Editor's note: Correction; it was actually Molly who said "It's not going to happen. They are not endorsing." KBB]
Hi Dee; I think everyone gets that. The question(s) in this "debate" is/are:
1. Is ORTA leadership ever going to do anything, besides hold meetings and lunches. They have not, in the past, done much except belittle those who spoke out and questioned what was going on with the funds they were contributing to STRS, AND...what is paying my dues to retirement organizations doing to protect my retirement funds. I think Dave Speas has answered that question as to what ORTA leadership is doing now. ORTA is lucky to have Dave Speas. The state of retirees in this nation, let alone the state of Ohio, is deplorable. Retiree Organizations, such as ORTA, need 1. people who raise insightful questions as to future plans and strategies, giving insight and direction as future needs, and 2. leaders who will stand up and make a difference in the interest of their constituents. Which are you?
2. While ORTA is not going to publicly support any particular candidate, the legitimate question was raised about why not? Are you saying the question should not have been asked? That anyone who questions any policy should sit down and shut up? The answer given (at that time) indicated ORTA leadership was caving in to political blackmail. A reasonable reply denying that was given. While I am a skeptic, I am also reasonable. So I, personally accepted the answer and moved on. But Just because an answer is reasonable, doesn't mean debate should end, especially when it is obviously a matter of policy and strategy.
Through all of this debate it has become obvious that ORTA is not going to publicly support any candidate. If they have weighed all of the consequences and trade off costs to the future, then Fine with me. The important thing is that ORTA leadership is willing to listen. Or at least Dave Speas is. I doubt very seriously (remember, I am a skeptic), if Ann Hanning could give a damn what I or anyone else who disagrees thinks, but at least someone is listening. Are you?
Have a great weekend!
Yours truly,
Tom Cooper
Molly Janczyk, 7/7/06: It's not going to happen. They are not endorsing.

From Dee Scott, July 7, 2006
I agree! ORTA needs to take a stand for public education and educators in Ohio!!! What are they afraid of? If Ken Blackwell is elected governor it will be a disaster for education, educators, and their benefits (health care & pensions). Is ORTA afraid to offend the Republicans? Most of them are not our friends anyway. In fact, they are out to destroy public education with vouchers, charter schools, underfunding schools, etc.
Dee Scott
Life member OEA,NEA
Larry KehresMount Union Collge
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