Thursday, August 31, 2006

Mary Ellen Angeletti, Molly Janczyk and Al Rhonemus: Letters to Gov. Taft

From: Mary Ellen Angeletti
Date: August 31, 2006
Subject: Fwd: Al to the Governor
I also agree with Mr. Rhonemus and Ms. Janczyk. Ohio retired teachers were promised by STRS throughout our careers that even though we might have low salaries, we would have a Cadillac of a retirement with inexpensive health care for ourselves, our spouses, and our dependent children. That promise was NOT delivered to Ohio teachers who retired in 1998 and later.
Then we discovered that the STRS Board members were not minding the store by protecting our pension funds. Instead, they were spending OUR money on themselves as if it were their money exclusively. This is what Herb Dyer, the former STRS Exec. Director said, "It is our money to spend."
Thank goodness for people in Ohio working in high offices who are conscientious and dedicated to their jobs such as David Freel of the Ohio Ethics Commission and Prosecutor Lara Baker. You have two outstanding public servants in these two people. They are to be congratulated for pursuing wrongdoing and misspending of the STRS pension fund and following through to the end with ethics violation charges against the guilty STRS Board members.
While these charges don't fill the holes in our pension pockets, they reaffirm our faith in the goodness of people to do the right thing which is an important lesson we teachers tried to instill in our students. Thank you, Governor Taft, for taking the time to read our emails and for also considering the appointment of Dr. Thomas Hall of Miami University to the STRS Board. He has earned the confidence of retired teachers in Ohio.
Mary Ellen Angeletti,
STRS retiree
From: Molly Janczyk
Sent: Thursday, August 31, 2006
Subject: To Taft: A step forward: from Al Rhonemus, Retiree, Brown Co. RTA
I completely agree with Al Rhonemus' letter below. He is a fine gentleman having to endure what former STRS Board Members heaped upon retirees bearing the burden of saving the HC System instead of using foresight and prudence for rainy days. ALL legislators should have to be under such a pension system when considering the proposed legislation to increase contributions to save STRS HC. We did what we were told and lived lives based on empty promises for HC touted by STRS as second to none. STRS discouraged us in HC literature which I possess from seeking other HC as it would only erode our pensions. SO here we are- devastated.
Molly Janczyk
From: Al Rhonemus
Date: Thu, 31 Aug 2006
The honorable Governor Taft:
Although many State Officials have been against David Freel and Lara Baker for their efforts to seek out and prosecute those who have used the Ohio State Teachers Retirement funds for their own benefit plus accepting perks from businesses of which the STRS board was doing business. I find it very difficult to understand why these who were prosecuted a few months ago, and those charged yesterday get nothing more than a "slap on the wrists" for their conduct as members of our pension system.
My hat is off to and a special thanks to David Freel and Lara Baker for their work to help correct some of the irregularities that have been taking place for years. I hope you will likewise share your thanks for uncovering these illegal acts to them.
Sincerely yours.
Al Rhonemus,
Aberdeen, Ohio
[My hat's off to you, Al, a dedicated WWII veteran who is still fighting for us! Thank you! KBB]
Larry KehresMount Union Collge
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