Saturday, September 09, 2006

Bob Slater to Ann Hanning re: Charter school participation in STRS

From Bob Slater, Sept. 8, 2006
Subject: RE: Fwd: Charter School Aid Flows In; Our HC/Rx flows out!
Hello, Ann.
Teachers in charter schools are required to participate in STRS. As of today, there are four charter schools that are a little bit behind (31 - 60 days) in submitting member contributions. Total late contributions for all four of these charter schools combined are about $2200.
Employer contributions for charter schools are deducted from state funding and sent directly to STRS. If they fall behind with member contributions, we have authority to ask the Department of Education to deduct member contributions from state funding as well, so we monitor them pretty closely.
I hope this is helpful.
Bob Slater
(614) 227-4009
Larry KehresMount Union Collge
Division III
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