Sunday, September 03, 2006

Lack of legislative interest not helping us: Molly's, Duane's and John's takes; time to clean house

From: John Curry, September 3, 2006
Subject: Duane's take and John's take

Duane, on the STRS issue: I also have noticed that both the R's and the D's could have, but haven't spent significant efforts in addressing the issue of the unfair treatment that STRS retirees have received and are still receiving from the majority of the STRS Board and the administration of STRS.

It is not, believe me, for these legislators' lack of being informed of what has happened. Our legislators continue to ignore attacking this problem. This is, in part, because of the failure of STRS retiree organizations to endorse candidates for office even though these very same organizations have that option as 501c4 organizations. In short, we don't use our clout by backing candidates = they don't listen to us seriously. Should their retirement system (OPERS) have done to them what STRS has done (i.e.. charging retirees with spousal coverage EIGHT times the OPERS rate and no grandfathering) to us, they would be screaming to high Heaven. Their ox wasn't gored like our ox this time so they are not reacting. This is being said by a former and current "D."

This is compounded by the majority of the active teachers displaying a malaise toward what has happened. This is also compounded due to the lack of the majority of the active teachers being totally unaware of what has or is happening at STRS.

From: Duane Tron, September 3, 2006


I sent this to Molly late last night! My take for what it's worth!

From Duane Tron, September 03, 2006


Very good and well stated. Thanks! I have conversed with several lawmakers and sadly they don't get it, or they just don't care to get it. I have spoken with numerous people in positions of power and authority in this state and they are tired of hearing from me so they choose to ignore our problems.

The only way we can change any of this is to clean house from the top down in Columbus. This means electing all new people who will listen, who will care, who will become proactive to work to find solutions to fix the problems, and who recognize the failure of the entitlement and privilege mentality that has permeated our state, at all levels, for the past 16 years.

The majority of Republicans and Democrats, in Columbus, are NOT our friends! They are embedded with those who have created the mess we are trying to clean up. I keep telling people that it's impossible to delineate Democrats from Republicans any more in this state, and nation.

I have observed and listened to both sides and they are all more concerned about taking care of themselves, their careers, their power & control, and their bank accounts than they are of representing the welfare of the people! If we don't vote most of them out nothing is going to change! I am a lifelong Republican and I can honestly say that top Republicans could care less about our circumstances.

I have observed career Democrats in Congress, and here in Ohio, and they don't really care either. They are more worried about their political status, and control, than they are in fixing the problems. The Republicans I know think we should all just work more, work for our entire lives, work harder and everything will be all right. They believe that people need to quit complaining and suck it up and tough it out.

The Democrats I know want to make poor people dependent on them, thus controlling how they votes in elections. They want to use assistance programs to leverage votes and not help people achieve real financial independence! Republicans blame poverty on people who don't work hard enough.

Both groups are totally out of touch with reality. The Republicans believe that if they take care of the rich it will somehow magically benefit society and make everything better. That's not the case at all! Most Democrats believe that if they help the poor they can make them dependent and control them. Neither one has a comprehensive plan to help save our dwindling middle class, the middle class, that made this country great in the past! Thus, they are all out of touch with the facts and reality!

My take for what it's worth! I have taught history, government, and economics most of my life and remain a student of all three subjects. This is how I know the leadership of both major parties are totally out of touch with the people! I don't trust any of them to do what's right or to find workable solutions to problems facing all of us. Look at the people heading STRS and ask yourself these questions!

Dennis and John are the only ones who even have a clue as to what's going on and what needs to be done to help retirees! The rest have written us off! They don't really care since it doesn't directly affect any of them! Their actions prove my contentions to be accurate and correct!

From: Molly Janczyk, September 2, 2006
Subject: Legacy of the STRS Board; Legislators on HC

We know what Lazares and Leone will leave as their legacies on the STRS Board:

-Ethics Policy for the board is now in place so as not to do business with vendors with ethics violations when other board members found no fault with doing business with vendors with whom they have history

-SB 133: working with legislators to ensure its passage and responsible language included to remove board members guilty of ethics violations

-uncovering the spending abuses and many instances of misspending -reductions in child care, fitness, cafeteria subsidies by retirees

-reductions in bonuses, merit raises, etc., vac. & sick leave reimbursements

-reductions and stop use of cars, credit cards, gas cards, family driving STRS vehicles putting the system at risk for law suits in case of accidents

-recognition of investigative work about STRS

-awards for investigative work about STRS -steadfastly fighting for STRS Board Members to only vote on vendor contracts with documentation before them

-responsible for Exec. Direc. having limits set for expenditures with vendors without board approval when others found this 'micromanaging and intrusive.'

-NEVER forgetting retirees and constantly reminding the STRS Board with: "How do we explain this expenditure to needy retirees who cannot pay for their meds?"

-willing to bring complaints against a board who inappropriately approves paying for staff legal fees for personal attorneys

-willing to bring attention to inappropriate spending for head hunters
The list will go on and on.

To the STRS Board: What will each of your legacy be? Furthering your own cause or fighting an uphill battle to ensure proper oversight of all monies spent. What have each of you done to make current and future retirees' lives better?

To Legislators:

Retirees, current and future, are not to blame for the STRS Board errors of omission. In the late 80's and early 90's, STRS and OEA knew of the impending HC crisis. Joe Endry, former Exec. Direc. of ORTA, who then went to STRS as the Retired Board Member, was quoted as saying, If we don't do something now about HC, we won't have HC in 10 yrs. This was in the early 90's.

Back then, Herb Dyer, former Exec. Direc. of STRS, and OEA said proposed legislation to guarantee HC for retirees was not necessary. Herb Dyer has been quoted as saying he wanted out of the HC business. I feel this was the start of this long and catastrophic path to retirees bearing the burden of saving STRS HC.

Retirees in 2007 will pay $744 just for premiums for self and spouse. 20% of all HC costs up to $1500 each after a deductible of $500 each followed by $2000 each out of pocket for RX's at $25, 75, 125 each for 90 days and $10, 30 and 50 each for retail.

When I retired I paid, $66 for my family in premiums, $5 and 10 for 90 RX's and 100% was paid for medical costs after $100 deductible. Ridiculously low! Yes. If graduated steps had been imposed decades ago to ease this inevitable HC surge and if a dedicated stream of revenue had been secured years ago with rainy day funds established as well, we might survive this devastating blow. Instead, many have lost homes, cut or stopped meds, refuse treatments and medical attention unable to afford such over food and bills.

What did we do to deserve this? We followed STRS' strong language telling us we had HC second to none with our premier pension system. I have copy of HC literature discouraging us from seeking other insurance as it would erode our pensions. We chose as Americans did the best policy available to our families and paid our premiums for entire careers and were given absolutely NO warning anything was amiss until AFTER WE RETIRED: After we made irrevocable decisions damning us to lives of returning to work after full careers IF we were healthy enough and losing our financial resources to pay for HC. We , too, were hit hard by the market - our modest annuities (all we could afford to contribute on educator salaries) hit by the same 30% loss at everyone else.

To pay for the untenable increases in our HC, we receive a simple COLA of
3% yearly or a net of $75 to me based on a $33,000 pension gross. Yet, my costs have increased from as stated above. $75 pays for ONE RX a month-RX's which are not generic but which must be ordered. My ill husband takes approx. 14 RX's a day and some must be name brand either with no generic or the generic was not effective. WE TRIED! You do the math.

Please do not punish us, the retirees, who serve their communities to educate its children for only doing as they were advised and was national policy of choosing one plan for a family. Now our spouses cannot obtain HC due to preexisting conditions , age, etc. Shall we shoot them? What shall we do? Those of us unlikely enough to have ill dependents who chose HC decades ago based on the best advice at the time. What shall we do?

Please consider the proposed STRS legislation to increase contributions creating a dedicated stream of revenue for HC for educators. Without this legislation, retirees will have to drop HC due to inability to pay and end up using ER's for their only HC thus creating additional burden to the state. Someone has to pay or many have to die. Already, retiree cancer patients are refusing meds due to this crisis as well as working to pay for merely Basic coverage.

Ohio is in the news a lot with its poor and jobless rates, growth rate and productivity. Attract the brightest and the most qualified to Ohio to educate its children and turn this condition around with quality pensions with HC for educators.

Fund education properly according to 4 court decisions so school districts can afford to increase contributions.

Please take the proposed legislation to increase contributions under most serious advisement to preserve Ohio and raise its children by supporting its educators. Who will want to go into education at low salaries facing no retirement. We can tell you: "There is no retirement without HC!"

Please place yourselves in our shoes. See our faces and our critical need. Talk with us and STRS. We are 400,000 strong with actives and retirees. We all have families and friends making us a strong voting force. WE WILL REMEMBER THOSE WHO STAND FOR EDUCATORS AND THEIR WELFARE. Imagine yourselves facing what we face. Don't blame US for doing what we were advised. Work with STRS who is now trying to help with new faces on the board and a new direction on this issue.

Please hear us.

Thank you,

Molly Janczyk
Pickerington Oh

Larry KehresMount Union Collge
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