From Molly Janczyk, October 2, 2006
Subject: CORE/STRS Board Meeting: 10/19/06
October Board meeting and CORE meeting promise to be an interesting at STRS -- one that STRS membership hopefully will attend showing support for Dennis Leone and John Lazares. Last month, the support really made for rich dialogue and exchange and both Leone and Lazares felt it was due to the large turnout obviously supporting them. They took these seats on the Board because we asked them to and we must attend to show our backing of them. It is a lonely and frustrating job for them fighting so many uphill battles. When we are there to show how we feel and that we support them, it clearly makes the rest of the Board behave differently as evidenced last month. It does provide a pressure to act on behalf of membership. For ex., some items Lazares and Leone were fighting for on our behalf were actually put on the agenda for future discussion vs. being voted down because the Board heard from us in the audience. Damon actually told each Board member to bring ideas for this discussion.
A new appointee, Johnson, by the Gov. will be seated. We will want to meet him and show our interest in his decisions and encourage collaboration vs. rubber stamping.
Some items of GREAT interest will be on the agenda and I promise you will not be disappointed. For now, they are not public.
CORE will meet at 11:45 am in the Sublett Rm on the 2nd flr. It is unsure whether we have the entire room or the rear of the room which is accessible through the door in the rear of the cafeteria. You can stop and buy lunch to bring into the meeting.
The voting for CORE Officers is on the agenda so they can take their office and begin their efforts to work with other organizations and legislators. CORE will finally have actual contact persons to act on behalf for membership based on majority approval.
Accepted nominations are:
Pres. : Dave Parshall: experienced with high level boards , meeting with organizations and legislators. Responsible for incorporating CORE and overseeing its finances
VP: Mary Ellen Angeletti: works closely with Dave and experienced with all workings of CORE with a determined and dedicated mentality to keep CORE active and knowledgeable.
Treas: CJ Myers: in communication with and in proximity of Dave P. to take over the CORE accounts. She is a responsive and enthusiastic in wishing to help her fellow retirees.
Secretary: no nominee has accepted due to interest or ability. Substitutes have agreed to fill in temporarily UNTIL this office is seated. I have posed an amendment that this position be open for subs or for an elected position as it seems difficult to fill. That way, someone can act as scribe even if no one accepts this job.
I will forward agenda info when it becomes available.
PLEASE SEND A REP FROM YOUR AREA TO SHARE INFO AND PROVIDE INPUT . We are all in this together and need to help show support and direction.
I would like to "second" what Molly said above about attending STRS Board meetings to show your support for Dennis and John. The difference in the atmosphere at last month's meeting was dramatic. You had to be there to believe it. It was almost like some of those Board members were on trial and we were the jury -- a BIG, highly visible jury. Many people give lip service to supporting our guys in the trenches -- Dennis and John -- and it is difficult for many to get to Columbus for meetings. But I encourage all who can possibly get here once a month to do so. Your presence DOES make a difference -- a HUGE difference! Remember -- it's YOUR future! Gas is expensive, but a future without healthcare is a lot more expensive! Please come -- every month, if you can. You'll be glad you did.
Kathie Bracy
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