Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Tim Myers re: Debate Transcript

John Curry to Tim Myers, October 17, 2006
Thank you for sending this copy to me concerning Blackwell's statement. It ought to scare the wits out of all public employees/retirees across this state. We can be thankful that Strickland now has a double-digit lead in the polls - let's hope it stays that way. I will pass this on to aid other retirees/actives to understand the agenda of Mr. Blackwell.
If Kenny really wanted to drive down the cost of medicine, he would examine the rip-offs of the various Pharmacy Benefits Management companies and push for an Ohio public employees based Rx distribution system where government agencies dictate the terms of the PBM contract (and a transparent contract) rather than the other way around. STRS really doesn't need another trip to the courtroom to reach a settlement with Medco like they recently experienced.
The State of Wisconsin and the University of Michigan are currently practicing this concept and it is working. Of course, the State of Wisconsin and the University of Michigan aren't using public employees' "funds" (translated "investments") to do it with, just their buying power. Of course, this would eliminate the "middleman," and the middlemen are the ones who make fat campaign contributions (something I'm sure Mr. Blackwell would not like to miss.)
As you know, STRS is currently studying the future choice of a PBM. Will they "think out of the box," like the State of Wisconsin and U. of M. did or won't they? Will we collectively work with OPERS to find a more cost effective solution to Rx purchasing and distribution? Will the terms of the future contract be transparent? We shall see.
From: Tim Myers, October 17, 2006 (Sent to some individuals at OEA, STRS, etc.)
Subject: Debate Transcript
I went back and looked at the DVR of the debate. Here is what Blackwell said about paying for his health care plan when asked if his plan for mandatory HC was an unfunded mandate:
At 14:19 “We would also deal with another cost driver, and that is cost of medicine. We would use the purchasing power of 5 retirement compan... ur ... 5 retirement.... ahhh... funds along with Bureau of Workman’s comp and Medicaid to write down the cost of medicine for our elderly and our working poor.” End at 14:34
At 14:14 he said: “Allow young people to stay on their parents policies until they are 29 upping the age from 21.” WHAT KIND OF HC PLAN IS THAT?
THE MEDIA HAS LET THIS SLIP BY. IT IS VERY DANGEROUS TO TALK ABOUT USING OUR HARD EARNED STRS PENSION FUNDS TO PAY FOR A NON-EDUCATION EMPLOYEE’S MANDATORY HEALTH CARE! Other state’s Governors have raided their state’s pension funds to bail out an airline and to bail out a failed charter school only to be left with a deficit in the end! We can not let this happen! WHAT ELSE DOES A “GOV.” BLACKWELL WANT TO USE OUR PENSION FUNDS FOR?
Tim Myers
Classroom Teacher
Elida Middle School
Elida, Ohio
Larry KehresMount Union Collge
Division III
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