Sunday, February 25, 2007

Update on John Lazares

From Sondra Stratton, February 24, 2007
Subject: letter from John Lazares
I got a short letter from John Lazares yesterday. He was thanking me for all the cards, thoughts and prayers. He said that he had been in a tremendous amount of pain and is not able to walk due to not having a knee joint. John said that his replacement surgery is scheduled for Mar. 5th, however, as of the writing of the letter this week, the infection in his knee is still not gone.
Keep John in your thoughts and prayers that the infection in his knee will heal quickly so that he can get his surgery and get back on his feet. I know that for someone as active as John, this immobility is driving his nuts!
I also hope that the surgery is NOT done until the infection is all gone so that John does not risk having this same problem all over. As one who has had complete knee replacement, I can understand some of what John has gone through. It is painful enough to have a successful knee replacement with no unusual problems let alone deal with all the pain that John has had to deal with for so long. So much pain surely wears one down!!!
Thought everyone would like to know what I heard from him.
Larry KehresMount Union Collge
Division III
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