"Doc" Leone and a new position!

Hammoudi, Leone named to positions at OU-C
Ohio University-Chillicothe Dean Richard Bebee announced he has named Lakhdar Hammoudi as interim associate dean and Dennis Leone as interim special assistant to the dean, effective July 1.
As announced in April, Associate Dean Michael Lafreniere will temporarily return to the faculty in a teaching position and will pursue his Ph.D., effective by Aug. 1. Lafreniere's new assignments will last about one to two years before he returns to his current position.
Hammoudi's duties will focus on assisting the dean in advancing the campus' academic mission, while Leone will have oversight in several administrative areas.
Among Hammoudi's duties, he will support the dean in a number of areas such as providing academic leadership and creating an environment where faculty members can flourish and gain the appropriate support and professional development; compiling the quarterly teaching schedule; oversight of the area of Continuing Education, Training and Development; serving as a liaison to campus constituencies and the Office of University Outreach and Regional Campuses; and advising the dean on faculty matters such as staffing, hiring, orientation, promotion and tenure.
Joining the OU-C faculty in 2002, Hammoudi has delivered presentations at international academic conferences and has been published in highly regarded professional journals for his research in algebra.
Leone is currently interim assistant dean for development and interim director of the Ross County/Ohio University-Chillicothe Child Development and Family Service Center.
Leone's new areas of supervisory responsibility include the Child Development Center and related partnerships; Hilltop Café and Health & Wellness Center; overseeing a marketing study in 2007-08; Student Services activities such as Athletics and student discipline; and development activities such as grant-writing activities and quarterly reports.
Leone was superintendent at Chillicothe City Schools from 1997 to 2004, when he retired.
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