Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Molly Janczyk: Thank you, Senator Schuler, for your stand on HB 151

From Molly Janczyk, June 26, 2007
Subject:Sen. Robt. Schuler: 7th District: Anti HB151
Thank you! Sen. Schuler for your stand on this issue. To view Sen. Schuler's letter in answer to Nancy Hamant, go to: www.kathiebracy.blogspot.com
Many public retirees, future and current, wonder how divesting in Rolls Royce, Mitsubishi, Samsung, Shell, etc. is allowing STRS to due its fiduciary duty to 'act solely on behalf of membership for its benefit' in accordance with ORC:3307.15.
Those retirees wonder if all the legislators are directing their brokers or are themselves divesting their personal funds from all the 74 companies as well. We wonder if legislators are forcing or making deals with ALL companies in the U.S. Why, pension systems? Those most in need of funding with educators who have lost their retirements due to health care costs.
We worked for modest pay for our communities for promised secure retirements. That is lost. There is no retirement without health care. We were told we had health care second to none. We were discouraged from purchasing other health care and told we would never have to worry about health care. My spouse alone will be over $700 monthly just for premiums and I will be near $200 monthly. We must allow $300 a month for RX's at $20, $75 and $125 each for 90 days. Then comes the dedcutibles and out of pocket coinsurance.
How does this compare to your insurance coverage for public service?
STRS funds are our lifetime personal contributions and earnings on them being invested on our behalf. How are you invested? It is so disheartening to hear some of you say we make too much or retire too early and have it so good.
Ever try planning for and managing 26 different leveled individuals so that each can rise to their potential in every subject maximizing their particular learning style starting from their singular instructional level so they can grow while incorporating them into groups and modeling their behavior involving parents who do not always wish to be bothered with kids going home to stress and frustration and lack of ability to help? Try it! One day with no help. I promise you, no more : 'They have it so easy.'
I will [not] support any company found to have as its goal to support terrorism by directing funds or laundering money for terrorists. I have asked our CIO, Steve Mitchell, if he is aware of ANY of the 74 companies supporting terrorism. His answer is: 'No.' Investing is his business.
I feel these companies exist for employment of citizens of countries around the world providing opportunities to support their families and to make a profit for shareholders. These companies will dislodge innocent citizens merely trying to live their lives with no terrorist loyalties suffering themselves in Iran and Sudan, countries of horrific murder and turmoil.
Thank you.
Molly Janczyk
STRS Retiree
CORE Lifetime
ORTA Lifetime
OEA-R Lifetime
CEA- R Lifetime

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