Friday, June 22, 2007

RH Jones: Bloomberg for U.S. President? Think again!

From RH Jones, June 22, 2007
Subject: Bloomberg for U.S. President? Think again!

To all:
Dr. K. Fluke informs me that now that N.Y.C. Mayor Michael Bloomberg has changed his affiliation from GOP to independent. Fluke watched the GOP leaning Fox News Network yesterday when the commentator said: "The now independent Bloomberg is not too bad. He took on the teachers in N.Y.C. and took away their tenure."
If this is true, and I think it may be, Bloomberg should not be considered for U.S. President by Public educators. We need to aware of the rich folks who want to get richer on the backs of us active/retired public educators.
RHJones, a proud member of CORE
Larry KehresMount Union Collge
Division III
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