Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Teresa Pressler and Molly Janczyk re: Severance pay at STRS

From Molly Janczyk, August 22, 2007
Subject: RE: STRS
Absolutely! And I AM complaining. As long as the Dyer era staff of STRS and some other organizations remain, it will continue as they were closely tuned with the former Exec. Direc and Board and have never admitted anything was wrong, really. Blinders are hard to remove and change comes slowly for most. We are the new generation of ALL organizations and one day, most of us will not benefit as it is too late for us, mindsets may improve on ethics vs. legal. I believe that Steve Mitchell is one of the few who has gone thru changes. I believe he sees things differently than he once did or was part of as an employee. Of course, none of this pertains to staff who work so hard for us on a daily basis such as Joyce Baldwin, etc. Just my take.
From Teresa Pressler, August 22, 2007
Subject: STRS
I am appalled at this severance situation.When will this ever stop?!I remember the days when we were told not to go out to eat etc.and to tighten our belts. I do not recall the majority of the board worrying about our houses,rent,etc. We've had some mighty lean years.Not complaining just stating the facts. Teresa
Larry KehresMount Union Collge
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