Sunday, September 23, 2007

Jim Kimmel to Rep. Shannon Jones: Please support HB 315

From Jim Kimmel, September 22, 2007
Subject: HB 315
Dear Representative Jones:
On checking the list of sponsors and cosponsors of the very important HB 315 which would create a dedicated revenue stream for STRS health care I was disappointed to find your name was absent. This bill is extremely important for the future of education in Ohio. Without adequate healthcare for Ohio teachers in retirement the message would be sent that Ohio is not a good place to begin a teaching career. Active teachers at mid career or younger will not receive any health care in retirement without HB 315's passage NOW. Active teachers have overwhelmingly indicated their approval of HB 315. Graduates of Ohio teacher training institutions are voting with their feet by beginning their careers in other states. Others will use their degrees in other fields, lost to the teaching profession forever. If you do not vote for HB 315 how do you intend to finance health care for retired teachers? You have an obligation to answer this question for all your constituents. There can be no decent retirement without adequate health care.
The Medicare Advantage plans hatched by President Bush have been a dismal failure, and more expensive than Medicare. Shannon, many retired teachers are having to decide between their life necessary prescriptions and food. Isn't solving that problem more important than the corporate profits of insurance companies.? I am sure they are lobbying you quite often and very robustly to vote no on this issue. Greed is their motivation. This issue is one in which you will have the rare opportunity to show your true conscience as a representative of all the people. Not only the very wealthy but also those of us who spent our lives at relatively low pay educating Ohio children. We count too.
And just one other important fact: The contribution of school boards to STRS has not been increased for many, many years. Because it would be, under HB 315, distributed over five years it would not be an undue burden on any school district. It might even save money. Presently many educators are continuing to teach simply because they are afraid of the health insurance situation in retirement. . I have first hand knowledge of this from former colleagues in several districts. For every veteran teacher who retires, a school district could hire at least two newly minted ones in their place. Currently just the opposite is the case, another reason many bright young teacher candidates are voting with their feet one way or another.
Please vote for and support HB 315 so that I can vote for you next time..
James O. Kimmel, M.Ed
Mason, Ohio STRS
Retiree since 1994
Ohio Air National Guard 1963-1969
Proud CORE Member

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