Saturday, September 01, 2007

Molly Janczyk, Jim Kimmel re: Divestiture/Obama

Molly Janczyk to Jim Kimmel, August 31, 2007
Subject: For Divestiture: Obama
State Teachers Retirement has approp. 400,000 members. State Employees 700,000+ in membership. Then there is Fire and police and School Employees. This is not acceptable. It is wrapping a flag around public employees' money slowly contributed over lifetime careers and the ORC mandates the system act solely on behalf of membership without political interference. This is only a token play for politicians but it is our survival. None of us want to support terrorists! Any business directly doing business with terrorists should be shut down. This punishes workers for corporations who are trying to support families, not terrorists. It punishes public employees. Let the legislators BE THE FIRST to withdrawn THEIR funds and see how it works!
There are far too many oil and utility companies tied to countries with terrorists because so many countries have pockets of terrorists. What about Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, and many other countries all with global companies within their borders supporting everyday citizens supporting families who live fear ridden lives due to those terrorists and dictators? Is displacing them going to help fight terrorists or help grow them?
I have long respected Obama and read about his life. I fear it is true, now, that instead of being a fresh start, he is unschooled in global politics settling for superficial 'patriotic' bandaids which will be of little help in this insidious battle over terrorism.
Why only target public employees? Where are the private wealthy holdings in all this? As usual, unfair and inequitable.
I want no generic form replies meaning nothing.
This makes my decisions for presidential candidate much easier.
Molly Janczyk
From Jim Kimmel, August 31, 2007
Subject: Re: For Divestiture: Obama
Doesn't Obama know that such a bill would be impossible to enforce and that as long as we buy oil in theMiddle East we will be financing terror... Big corporations have a dozen ways around any restrictions the Senate imposes and the only ones hurt will be the pension systems and small investors. Mayne he is a Republican in disguise!! He may be catering to the brokers who paid him contributions!!

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