Friday, November 02, 2007

Molly Janczyk: This is not a social club

From Molly Janczyk, November 1, 2007
Kathie Bracy’s complete documentation has been circulated, including the all-important reference to existing board policy on page 54 of the Board Policy Manual that already restricts Damon from establishing compensation and benefits that are NOT within board-adopted compensation schedules and benefit provisions. Any reasonable mind should be able to see that issuing severance checks and free health insurance was contrary to this policy, in my opinion. While the so-called policy was developed by Herb [Dyer] in 2002, as I understand this, and used to lay off 2 people in 2002 (again without board involvement or a board vote), it was Damon who admittedly revised the invisible policy on 9-11-06 (also without board knowledge, board involvement or a board vote). Why did he revise it? My understanding: A few months earlier, the board cut staff perks in 6 areas, which meant that if he didn't revise his procedure, laid-off employees would have perks that current staff no longer had. He was less than forthright, in my opinion, for not telling the board what was going on in 2006. Turning a blind eye is not forthcoming to membership nor is it following their fiduciary duty. Why was a tabling action needed to vote on whether legal fees should be paid in the future, or whether the exec. director can allow a rehired retiree to bring in 200 days of sick leave that he already was paid for in a severance check from his school district?
It seems circulating incomplete data to make points is not forthcoming. It seems that some Board members are not comprehensive in their understanding that their first duty is to retirees and not staff or management.
It is often said that personalities should not be reason for action of any kind. True. Board members, let the law speak to you and not personal feelings! Hear the message and not let personal attitudes be your guide. No matter what, right is right and only be exercising your fiduciary duty which some call micromanaging, is what you are there for. Let me remind you of all the changes which have occurred due to the label of micromanaging!
SOME areas of change:
..Improved oversight of expenditures by the Exec. Direc. who needs to ask the STRS Board regarding large vendor contracts now fought for by Leone and Lazares.
..Ethics Policy now in place due to John Lazares
..SB 133 with Leone language in the bill regarding former convicted Board members of Ethics violations.
..Eliminated subsidies paid by retirees for childcare (almost eliminated), fitness and cafeteria: Leone report
..Revised policy for annual reimbursement of unused vacation and sick leave for staff: Leone and Lazares
..No documentation; no vote on large vendor contracts stopping the policy of blanket approval without knowing content. LONG fought for by Lazares and Leone taking months for other Board members to approve due to?????????????????????? What was called micromanagement; we call it proper oversight and just plain smart to know what one is approving to remove possible ramifications.
..Credit cards, car use: eliminated or greatly reduced: Leone and Lazares
..Travel policy restricting money spent: Leone
..Changes to bonus policies : Leone and Lazares
((CORE has stood behind Leone and Lazares making its wishes known at each STRS Board meeting in support of our two elected Board members sent to STRS to change status quo)).
Where in this are the names of other Board members some of whom have fought against change and greater oversight citing STRS Staff and STRS legal advice for their reasoning vs. taking it upon themselves to thoroughly research outside of STRS sources wishing to maintain perks for staff and management? Where did Board members go to research outside their organizations and STRS to maintain independence and search for unbiased information on all sides before voting?
TWO Board members seek truth without prejudice regardless of popularity or being swayed to play nice and get along and stop micromanaging: Leone and Lazares who have withstood overwhelming frustration just to get Board members to read the wording and act prudently and judiciously on behalf of membership. So, when I hear personalities, I agree! Stop letting personality interfere with truth and honesty and transparency and act : "SOLELY ON BEHALF OF MEMBERSHIP": according to the Ohio Revised Code: 3307.15
This is not a social club; it is a passionate move for change at STRS and has been hard fought by CORE's Board Members: Dennis Leone and John Lazares. I have heard NO other Board members' names resulting in positive changes or policies on this Board.
Where IS YOUR NAME for change, oversight, protection and prudence?
Status quo, rubberstamping, silence or do you have the heart to stand for membership and when your stand meets resistance, do you have the courage to stand up for it or buckle to go along due to pressure NOT to micromanage or get too specifically into language and policy. It is easier to obey what you are told.
Leone and Lazares come monthly to hear nothing but resistance and face brick walls. Month after month fighting for simple right: Do document; no vote on contracts. Language which already exists against actions. etc, etc. How would you feel walking into that room every month? It is not simply a difference of opinion or personality when it is simple plain common sense issues.
Yet it takes months to stand against those brick walls. Constant frustration gets the best of all at times.

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