Saturday, February 02, 2008

From a former Board member: the Board made an effort to help all members

Steve Buser to Molly Janczyk, February 2, 2008
Subject: RE: Buck: HB190:
Dear Molly,
I think your recollection of the Buck study is pretty accurate. Of course, this (my recollection) is coming from someone who is increasingly memory challenged.
In addition, while I was not on the Board when STRS made the changes, and while I might have voted to do things differently here or there, I think the Board at least made an effort to help all members. So even if they screwed up a bit, at least they were headed in the right direction - more or less. And this is coming from another STRS member who retired with only 30 years rather than with 35.
Steve Buser
Larry KehresMount Union Collge
Division III
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