Thursday, April 10, 2008

RH Jones: Two reasons to pass H.B. 315

From RH Jones, April 10, 2008
Subject: Two reasons to pass H.B. 315
To all:
Number 0ne:
The GOP Speaker of the House, Rep. Husted, must give the go-ahead to order H.B. 315 to move out of the FIRES Committee. To my knowledge, up to this date, no hearings have taken place on this important legislation. A continuing delay will not only hurt the children, the public and their public school active/retired teachers of Ohio, the delay will most certainly hurt his GOP affiliation. It must be noted that there was a tremendous turnout in the recent primary election. Therefore, in the coming November election, an even bigger turnout is predicted. He is risking his party losing control of the Ohio House of Representatives. To move Ohio forward, has not Gov Strickland (D) moved to get more support for Ohio’s colleges? Voters are aware, Rep. Husted needs to be aware.
Number Two:
Being that Ohio labor costs are high, in part, businesses are not competing well in the world economy, or the U.S. economy. So we Ohioans must work smarter. And who makes us workers smarter? Of course, teachers do! (Especially, teachers K-12 who have worked hard to educate those Ohioans before college.) The investment in a steady stream of funding for health care in the public school teachers retirement, as proposed in H. B. 315, will reward those who make Ohio smarter: It’s teachers.
This is my personal opinion as a voting Ohioan.
RHJones, a retired teacher member of our Ohio STRS
Larry KehresMount Union Collge
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