Sunday, November 02, 2008

John Bos to Tim Myers: Wake up Tim, You have a BIG PROBLEM

From John Bos, November 2, 2008
Good afternoon Mr. Myers:
I am certain by this time you have read the feature article in the Columbus Dispatch regarding STRS. Fortunately, Laura (See no evil, Hear no evil, Everything is Fine) Ecklar did not have a chance to add fuel to the fire.
Lets look at the past few months Tim:
1. Computer Tapes lost with my name and SS Number.
2. Everything is fine with our investments even though a SIGNIFICANT AMOUNT OF MONEY HAS BEEN LOST.
3. Bonus that FAR EXCEED any other retirement systems quoted in Ohio and California.
4. A letter sent to the Elida Staff that there is no reason to fear your retirement system. It is in control of leaders like myself that have your best interests at heart.
5. 2 junkets for a new board member to learn more about rewarding investment staff members.
It is interesting to note that only Dennis Leone saw some of these issues LONG BEFORE the Columbus Dispatch. If I remember, someone called him a "crackpot".
I would welcome you to walk the 10 houses to visit me on Hummingbird and discuss the issues that many retirees have with STRS. Any discussion on my part will be open and willing to listen to your viewpoints. I certainly would expect that you would have the same attitude and respect toward me.
I have kept a very low profile for many months to watch and listen for further direction. I have listened to each board meeting via CD for the past year. I would welcome the opportunity to learn from more about STRS and your views prior to any further actions that I may initiate.
Please understand, Tim, that we have a $15,000 medical expense each year. My retirement year was 1989 therefore a significant part of my retirement is designated for medical expenses. If my memory is correct, Elida staff pay minimal premium and a very modest co-payment. You also do not pay Medicare. If my memory is also correct the STRS Associates have United Health Care. They also have many medical benefits that are not offered to me. I also remember very clearly Olde Joe Endry telling me at a meeting in Elida that those who work at STRS in Columbus are entitled to the VERY BEST coverage available, and that is they way things are at STRS and that is the way they will continue. Olde Joe is gone, and certainly most things at STRS have continued the way he stated. Now Tim is on the board and we will watch if things continue as they have in the past.
John Bos
Larry KehresMount Union Collge
Division III
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