Saturday, November 15, 2008

RH Jones: Better investment discipline in order

RH Jones to Michael Nehf, Molly Janczyk, John Curry and Kathie Bracy
November 14, 2008
Subject: Re: "STRS cannot reduce that [retirees] pension"
To Mr. Michael Nehf, Molly, John and Kathie:
Indeed, when one takes in consideration purchasing power, the STRS retirees' pensions have been reduced by the inflation of the dollar.
Many years ago a wise and honorable legislature put the very fair issued 13th check into effect to cover this loss of STRS retiree purchasing power. Also, the STRS retiree dwindling heath care benefits of the past few years have diminished the value of our pension. It is, therefore, the responsibility of our STRS Board and its employees to see that this reduction does not occur. In this aspect both have failed us retirees. Even if unintended, the enemies of public education are extremely alert to such failures at our STRS. Better STRS investment discipline is therefore in order. I hope that my concerns are passed on to the investment staff.
One member's opinion,
Larry KehresMount Union Collge
Division III
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