From John Bos, January 18, 2009
Subject: Thank You VERY MUCH!!
Dear Ms. Regina Burch,
Thank you for voting at the STRS Board meeting to adjust the investment staff PBI. You are a breath of fresh air that has the interest of the retirees. I am not opposed to a bonus IF the appropriate conditions are met.
I would also like to mention that I have SIGNIFICANT concerns regarding the communications from STRS to retirees. As Dennis Leone told other board members that those that live out of state are TOTALLY depend on the message from the STRS Associates. The communications director has CONSISTENTLY reported positive information, but has NEVER reported information that may reflect negatively on the STRS establishment. An example was the statement that STRS is not concerned about the daily market, but rather the BIG PICTURE. Unfortunately, the loss for the past 6 months IS the big picture. The actual graph showing assets was never prepared until the Kathie Bracy web site produced the information. Public information has been kept hidden from the retirees and the actives.
I would sincerely appreciate any assistance from the board to require that the monthly finanacial information for health care and retirement assets be included in the electronic newsletter. The previous month and 1 year comparison would also be of great value to those that are not well informed.
Thanks again for your concerns for those of us who have been retired and are struggling to pay for their health insurance, co payments, and deductibles.
John Bos
Elida, Ohio
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