Monday, April 20, 2009

2004 letters from Sondra Stratton, Gary Allen and John Lazares: looks like OEA's "revisions" are nothing new! looks like Gary Allen was attempting a little damage control the only way he knew how -- a little propaganda for the OEA membership, perhaps?
From Sondra Stratton, April 3, 2004
Subject: What I sent to actives about Gary Allen's comments
The following is a message put out by Gary Allen, OEA. Please read this and also John Lazares' reply. Mr. Allen has misrepresented facts to teachers over and over. He also called the research done by Dennis Leone and John Lazares lies....... their findings have since also been discovered by investigative reporters, who even found more abuse, I think Mr. Allen needs to clean up his act and be honest with you all. Your retirement depends on it!!!
From Gary Allen, April 1, 2004
Subject: Gary Allen's letter to Local Presidents, etc.
To: All Local Presidents
Cc: All OEA Staff; District Leaders; Exec Committee
Subject: STRS Board Election
April 1, 2004
Dear Local Association President,
As you know, the Ohio Education Association has endorsed Eugene Norris for election to the State Teachers Retirement Board. As a member of the STRS Board, Eugene has demonstrated his leadership skills and his commitment to the welfare of public education employees. The upcoming STRS election will determine the Board's approach to securing the long term viability of STRS health care in the midst of a national health care crisis. Our members' votes give them a powerful voice in how STRS will handle this and other critical issues in the coming years.
I am reaching out to all Local Association Presidents to address a serious concern which has been brought to the Ohio Education Association's attention. We have been informed that supporters of Eugene's opponent have secured access, apparently through local Superintendents, to school district mailboxes, electronic mail and other school communication systems, to campaign for Eugene's opponent in the name of the local school district's Superintendent. These Superintendents are conveying campaign materials to employees under their authority, through the same information systems used to convey official administrative directives. This opportunistic practice abuses the employer-employee relationship. The use of official authority to influence the personal decisions of subordinates takes shameful advantage of our members. I am not alone in my opinion that such tactics are coercive and unethical.
It is equally troubling that the distributed materials mask the agenda of Eugene's opponent (himself a school superintendent) with empty rhetoric. Our members deserve to know that the candidate touted by these Superintendents is supported by retiree groups seeking to reduce the number of active teachers on the STRS Board, and to restore past benefit levels-a move likely to damage the health care plan's long term viability-and require active members to shoulder the financial burden for the increased benefits without ensuring that they will have adequate pension and health care benefits when they retire. Our peers in these districts will not learn these facts from the materials pressed upon them by some Superintendents.
As a Local Association President, you are in a key position to correct the misinformation by communicating with each and every one of your Local Association's members. Discuss the upcoming STRS elections individually or in group meetings with members. Please share copies of my letters regarding Eugene with your members. The Ohio Education Association has additional information available for your use. Please call 1-800-282-1500, extension 3069, and these materials will be immediately provided to you. Also, Eugene has established a website ( which details his objectives, his experience and his accomplishments. Share this website with your colleagues. We will serve our members well by immediately placing these resources into their hands so that they may make an informed decision regarding their future STRS benefits.
Thank you for your assistance in this process.
Very truly yours,
Gary Allen, President
Ohio Education Association
From John Lazares, April 2, 2004
Subject: Gary Allen -letter to Local Presidents, STRS election
Dear Mr. Allen,
I am in receipt of the letter you have sent to the local OEA Presidents and find your misrepresentation of the retirees inexcusable. Instead of uniting all parties for the common good of improving the retirement system, you have chosen to divide actives and retirees, teachers and administrators. I assure you that no one will benefit from this course of action and the repercussions of your tactics will be felt for years to come.
For the record, the Superintendents ARE allowing my information to be distributed in the local schools, as well as Eugene Norris' information. THAT IS THE AMERICAN WAY, MR. ALLEN. However, several are prohibiting any material from being distributed because of the negativity surrounding this election. I'm sure the Superintendents will find your wrongful accusation of using "official authority to influence the personal decision of subordinates" both slanderous and inappropriate. Clearly, your letter shows blatant disrespect and disregard for the retired educators and is a "coercive and unethical" scare tactic to pit active and retired teachers against one another to further your personal agenda.
I encourage you to contact me should there be any questions about my campaign or the actions of constituents working to restore some stability and dignity to the STRS Board. I can be reached anytime at the following numbers:
513-967-8786 or 513-518-1840
Thank you for your attention to this serious matter. I look forward to hearing from you.
John K. Lazares

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