Monday, April 06, 2009

Jack Vogelgesang: A heads-up for STRS retirees on the new tax tables for withholding $$ from your pension check

From Jack Vogelgesang, April 6, 2009
Subject: STRS
Dear Fellow Retirees:
Your government is out to screw you if you aren't careful. I just talked to STRS and the bulk of their calls at the moment have to do with the new withholding amounts taken from your benefit check. The tax rates themselves have not changed, but the rate of withholding has been lowered so that it looks like you have more money. Well, you do FOR NOW, but come tax time next year, you will have to pony up what isn't being withheld now.
They are very helpful at STRS and will explain at what rate you are now being withheld. To keep from owing money when you file next year for the 2009 tax year, they will mail you a form so that you can get back to the rate of withholding you were previously at.
Talk about "smoke and mirrors."
Their 888 number is listed on your last statement that you got on April 1. [See post immediately below for more information.]
Good luck.
Jack Vogelgesang
Larry KehresMount Union Collge
Division III
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