Tuesday, July 07, 2009

Brad Walton, John Lazares: A call to retirees to write to STRS Board

From Brad Walton, July 7, 2009
Subject: Retirees: Write STRS re: COLA
To all retirees:
John Lazarus has asked all retirees to contact the STRS board members and let them know you do not support any attempt to reduce the COLA for current retirees. Michael Neff, director of STRS and the board members that are active OEA employee are strongly considering the reduction of the COLA for current retirees. Why? Because it does not affect them. But it will affect you. Contact these people today. [Mark Meuser, Tim Myers, Conni Ramser, Jeff Chapman, Tai Hayden, Steve Puckett, Craig Brooks, Regina Burch and Dennis Leone]
Members of the Retirement Board may be reached via e-mail at ContactUs@strsoh.org or by mail at 275 E. Broad St., Columbus, OH 43215-3771.
Subject: Retirees: Write STRS re: COLA
PLEASE WRITE STRS: Use my letter below or write your own or edit. But write!
Subject: COLA
Date: July 7, 09
STRS Board: Please do not make COLA reductions. STRS and OEA need to be empathetic to retirees and not make a run to have our COLA reduced to protect the 35 yr/88% rule.
Retirees have been hit hard enough with increases in HC and overall increases in everything that we need to buy. We cannot afford more loss of any kind.
Brad Walton, Pres. Knox County RTA
STRS Retiree

Note from John Curry...not a mention is to be seen on the ORTA website about protecting our COLA...I wonder why not? After all, reason #7 to join ORTA (as listed on their website) is "Promotes cost-of-living increases." Why do they not speak up when the possibility of reducing our COLA or its continuance is in jeopardy?
Larry KehresMount Union Collge
Division III
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