Sunday, August 23, 2009

June Hughes on OEA

June Hughes to Tom Curtis, August 23, 2009
Subject: Re: 082309 Curtis To Hahn, Re: Tentative STRS Plan as proposed by the STRS Administration
Tom, while I was an active teacher 30+, OEA did NOTHING to bring about collective bargaining of any kind. They just collected dues, but not from me. In the mid 70's the CPS educators went on strike because of no increase in pay for 3 years during the high inflationary time. The OEA educators went in to work and collected their normal paychecks while drinking coffee in the lounges because of no students. The members of CFT went on the picket line for 19 days and received NO pay for those days. Did an OEA member even bring us coffee? H*** NO! CFT did help then but now I hear they've joined hips and lips with OEA. Tsk tsk. what a shame there is no competition even in educator bargaining units.
June Hughes (1990)
Larry KehresMount Union Collge
Division III
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