Sunday, September 20, 2009

'Duke' and Jane Snider: A few words for STRS

From Ken ("Duke") and Jane Snider, September 20, 2009
Subject: Malcontents again
STRS Board Members:
The seven board members who voted for giving bonuses and M. Nehf should resign immediately. Dennis Leone and John Lazares are icons in the state of Ohio, because they stood up for retirees and active teachers. They exposed people, which resulted in indictments. Are people still angry, because this happened? Retirees aren't. Are STRS employees angry? Do STRS employees RUN the STRS board?
Please explain the following. STRS retirees lost their 13th check, BECAUSE investments weren't doing well. YOU want to give bonuses when STRS has lost billions of dollars!!!! Where is the common sense? One thing for sure, we retirees could say it's daylight at noon, and you probably would say it's night. The second thing for sure is you don't care what retirees think. If you're worried the investment people would quit, well there would be dozens standing in line for their job.
Ms Eckler -- Hello, since you stated at our RTA meeting that you read everything that is emailed, we hope you pass this on. Also, we still think you were wrong to state to all the retirees at our RTA meeting that it's good for retirees that they live longer, but it's bad for STRS. You're supposed to be a diplomat? That was uncalled for especially from a person representing STRS. You were out of line.
Mr. Stein, we're extremely disappointed with you. We had you "pegged" at first, but when we received emails, we faltered and thought you might be a Dennis Leone or John Lazares. You certainly proved us wrong. Mr. Stein, you should turn in your CORE card.
Mr. Brooks, a great big vote of thanks to you for using common sense!
Mr. McGreevy, we were completely wrong about you. We should have supported you and not Mr. Stein. We certainly want to apologize to you. With your decision you make us feel proud, even though we were wrong at first. Keep up the good work Mr. McGreevy.
Duke and Jane Snider (A former board member referred to some of us from southern Ohio as "Malcontents;" well we believe in standing up for what is right.)
Sardinia, Ohio
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