Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Helena Pieratt: Time to eject them from the game

From Helena Pieratt, September 16, 2009
Subject: Re: it is....STRS's latest plan on how to pay the bonuses! A bonus delayed is still a bonus!
Thanks to Steve Wartenberg and the Columbus Dispatch. At last, someone finally gave coverage to the STRS debacle.
If Mr. Meuser is truly "sensitive to the wishes of membership", he will vote NOT to pay bonuses to the many undeserving for PBI......note the "P" stands for "Performance".
I suspect that if Mr. Myers' coaching staff was the size of the staff that took STRS down the road to defeat and their compensation was in excess of $3 million, there would have been considerable outrage at their receiving bonuses, and certainly, they would not have been renewed! Does Mr. Myers forget that these folks have already been paid....generous salaries? His comparison is erroneous. Vote to end the madness, Mr. Myers.
All STRS Board members, if they are listening, must hear a mandate to drop-kick these "financial advisors" right off the field and eject them from the game.
Helena Pieratt, retired
Cincinnati Public Schools
Larry KehresMount Union Collge
Division III
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