Tuesday, October 13, 2009

RH Jones re: Critical ORSC meeting October 14

From RH Jones, October 13, 2009
Subject: Re: the ORSC meeting tomorrow is open to public
To all:
Tomorrow’s, Oct. 14, 9:00 am, meeting of the Ohio retirement Study Council (ORSC) is open to the public. For details go to Kathie Bracy’s Blog: www.kathiebracy.blogspot.com
It is very important for us STRS retirees and active members to attend. Our future pension system depends on the outcome of this critical meeting -- In college you learned that crisis (krisis) is Greek for decision. Decisions tomorrow will be made by Ohio Reps and other officials which may, or may not, be allowed by the U.S. Constitution. And, in being sure they follow this U.S. Constitution, we need to be aware that any of their decisions follow our needs, rather than favoring the powers who brought us to this crisis to begin with.
That’s my opinion,
RHJones, a STRS retired teacher member
Larry KehresMount Union Collge
Division III
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