Monday, April 26, 2010

Minutes: April CORE meeting

From CORE, April 26, 2010
Minutes of the April 15, 2010 CORE Meeting
President Dave Parshall called the April 15th meeting of the Concerned Ohio Retired Educators (CORE) to order at 12:10. As in the past, this meeting was held in the Sublett Room of the STRS Building in Columbus.
After President Dave’s welcome, Mary Ellen Angeletti moved to approve the minutes of the March meeting; Liz Ebbing seconded the motion. The minutes were approved by those in attendance.
Treasurer Herman Fisher told the members that we have ample funds. He also informed the group that we have some new members and that Ryan Holderman is updating the membership roll as the names are sent to him. The treasurer also explained that Dennis Leone’s returned money-gift will be used in the future toward the “welfare of retired teachers.”
A lively discussion about Dr. Leone and Tim Myers’ e-mail exchanges followed. Questions were asked about whether or not ethics violations and/or election interference occurred.
President Dave re-introduced Jim Stoll to the attendees. Jim thanked the group for its support and for the positive e-mails he’d received. He was appreciative of CORE and said the members had given him added inspiration to work and help retirees.
After expressing his thanks, Jim Stoll proceeded to explain that he’d electronically sent out information to 146,000 active teachers. (However, due to Spam filters only 57,000were delivered.) Stoll’s group sent out second and third messages to follow up… and a final message is in the works. (The cost to CORE is still under $2,000.)
Once more President Parshall addressed the future of CORE, claiming that after September we probably would not be having monthly meetings. Instead, we’d only meet when there were critical issues to be attended to. However, Parshall stressed that CORE members would still work with legislators about our main concern: “Do fairly. The weakest among us shouldn’t be penalized.”
As a follow-up comment Herman Fisher suggested that all of us – throughout the state – should be talking with our representatives.
The meeting was adjourned at 12:55 to enable retirees to head back upstairs and attend the afternoon session of the board meeting on the sixth floor.
Respectfully submitted,
Marie M. Fetters
CORE Secretary
Larry KehresMount Union Collge
Division III
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