Saturday, April 10, 2010

RH Jones: Just another reason to retire with OPERS!

From RH Jones, April 10, 2010
To all:
With this disparity between OPERS and OH STRS reimbursement "how in the world" do they expect retired teachers to have a decrease in the STRS flat fixed 3% STRS COLA? We need this difference of $43.57 per month to bridge the gap.
Although pension envy should not be a factor in either the OPERS or the STRS public employee pensions, Ohio's politicians need to realize that without an educated population, the alternative is anarchy or a foreign takeover. Respect educators; for education makes us leaders in the military, industrial, medical and all other facets of civilization. Enrich education! For the sake of Ohio and the nation, end these narrow and closed-minded, self-centered, provincial and dangerous cuts in education funding. To do any less is to put yourself, your family, our state and our nation at risk.
Please see the chart below (provided by John Curry).
After a lifetime of study, this is my learned opinion,
RHJones, retired teacher
(Click image to enlarge.)
Larry KehresMount Union Collge
Division III
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