Monday, June 28, 2010

Good news for those who like to see the BS exposed!

From John Curry, June 28, 2010
If you ever surf to you'll appreciate the candor with which this organization (along with, and ferrets out political (BS) statements and exposes them to the public. All of these organizations have slammed candidates from both parties so...they are an equal opportunity offender (to the candidates telling falsehoods, that is). All a candidate has to do is to tell a little white lie to earn a "false" rating or, even worse, a whopper of a lie to earn a "Pants on Fire" rating.
Stay tuned as it looks as if Ohio will rate a special section (as have a few other states) with this website as evidenced by my conversation below with the editor of the St. Petersburg Times, the father of!
P.S. Now, if we could just get Politifact to cover STRS board meetings! Do you have any candidates to nominate?
From Bill Adair, June 28, 2010
Subject: Re: Truth-o-meter coming to Ohio?
Thanks, John!
Stay tuned! We'll have something to announce in Ohio in a couple of weeks!
Bill Adair
PolitiFact Editor and Washington Bureau Chief St. Petersburg Times
PolitiFact: Journalism that tells the truth
From John Curry, June 28, 2010
Subject: Truth-o-meter coming to Ohio?
A request. I'd like to invite to visit Ohio with their truth-o-meter. We have an exciting governor's race with lots of bull being slung. I extend an invitation to you and your great organization to visit us and ENLIGHTEN US.
Thank you,
John Curry
P.S. Keep up the good work.
Larry KehresMount Union Collge
Division III
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