Wednesday, October 13, 2010

John Bos: Letter to Bill Sears

From John Bos, October 13, 2010
Subject: GOOD MORNING Mr. Sears

Good Morning Mr. Sears,
I STRONGLY disagree with your request to contact STRS Board Members regarding the recent proposed changes in MY retirement system. I retired in 1989 with 31 years. No, I did not have the 88% option. No, I did not receive good medical premium assistance. No I was not given years to plan for the proposed changes. They will be made for me immediately. Yet you are recommending that Timmy Myers be given approximately 11 years to plan for any changes to HIS retirement.
I, unfortunately, belong to ORTA, but ORTA does NOT REPRESENT ME!!!! Call me at [xxx] if you wish to hear more of my ideas!!!! I know that changes need to be made. P.S. Our daughter is an active teacher and I do understand both sides of the issue.
John Bos
Larry KehresMount Union Collge
Division III
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