Sunday, December 12, 2010

Ohio Education Association Annual Salary Summary information from the U.S. Department of Labor

From John Curry, December 12, 2010
The following OEA annual salary information came from U.S. Department of Labor. The OEA employees’ salaries listed are classified as “Column D - Gross Salary Disbursements - (before any deductions)." This information was filed with the U.S. Department of Labor in November of 2010. LRC stands for Labor Relations Consultant - a Labor Relations Consultant assists with negotiations and grievances for educators.
I have grouped these employees in two groups:
....I. Those with Gross Salary Disbursements of over $100,000
...II. Those with Gross Salary Disbursements between $60,000 and $99,999
John Curry
Concerned Ohio Retired Educators (CORE)
I. OEA Salaries Over $100,000
Patricia Frost-Brooks (President) $172,288
William Leibensperger (Vice-President) $149,450
James Timlin (Secy.-Treasurer) $150,426
Larry Wicks (Executive Director) $185,108
Mark Allison (CIS Consultant) $124,330
John Avouris (LRC) $108,055
Susan Babcock (AED Start./Workforce) $151,769
Ann Bayou (LRC) $124,546
Marla Bell-Gombita (LRC) $124,519
Rodney Bird (LRC) $136,101
Lee Blandon (LRC) $124,823
George Bozovich (LRC) $124,537
Robin Busby (LRC) $124,501
Gary Carlisle (LRC) $128,541
Elizabeth Chandler-Mark (LRC) $126,746
Melissa Clark (Lobbyist) $126,550
Airica Clay(LRC) $101,125
Darren Clum (CIS Consultant) $124,109
Joseph Cohagen (Dir. Accounting) $128,124
Patricia Collins (Dir. Region 1) $140,370
Jeanette Cooper (Dir. Region 4) $123,272
Mark Constantine (LRC) $124,742
Doug Crawford (LRC) $175,133
Donald Dalton (LRC) $124,482
Demetrice Davis (Ed. Reform Consult.) $117,909
Robert Davis (Lobbyist) $125,711
Vicky Davis (LRC) $128,548
Matthew Dotson (Lobbyist) $124,558
Betty Elling (LRC) $112,304
Fritz Fekete (Dir. I/S & Research) $137,820
Ruth Field (LRC) $126,952
Linda Fiely (General Counsel) $124,627
Randall Flora (Director EI & I) $134,910
Gregg Gascon (Research Consultant) $127,491
John Grafton (LRC) $124,793
Russell Harris (Ed. Reform Cons.) $124,460
Jonathan Hart (CIS Consultant) $118,834
Donald Holub (Research Consultant) $122,493
Lynette Howell (LRC) $124,449
Talmadge Hutchins (LRC) $125,330
Paul Jewell (Research Consultant) $124,296
Charles Johnson (LRC) $124,520
Rachelle Johnson (AED Mem. Serv.) $144,455
Jan Jones (LRC) $124,478
Bonnie Joseph (Political Consultant) $124,565
Thomas Jowhar (LRC) $124,508
Suzanne Kaszar (Comm. Cons.) $127,556
Jeffrey Kestner (LRC) $136,673
Amber Kirkwood (LRC) $112,276
Gary Kovach (LRC) $106,536
Annette Kubiske (LRC) $124,468
Kim Lane (LRC) $124,256
Chloann Leidy (LRC) $124,558
Mark Linder (LRC) $144,024
Linda Lindsey (LRC) $124,558
Lavonne Lobert-Edmo (LRC) $127,289
Michael Mahoney (Dir. Comm.) $128,176
Victor Marchese (LRC) $126,795
James Martin (AED Bus. Serv.) $153,914
Robert Murkowski (LRC) $126,607
Helen Matusick (LRC) $118,179
Linda May (LRC) $124,565
Michael Mceachern (LRC) $156,089
Bonnie McMurray (LRC) $124,523
Darlene Messer (LRC) $118,413
Donald Messer (LRC) $126,254
Diane Miller (LRC) $124,519
Tim Miller (LRC) $124,298
Cristina Munoz-Nedrow (Dir. Reg. 5) $129,548
Henry Musilli (LRC) $124,495
Alfred Nelson (LRC) $130,500
Julie Newhall (Editor) $124,334
Jeffrey Nolasco (LRC) $124,682
Parry Norris (Dir. Region 2) $134,305
Kathleen O’Connell-Burt (LRC) $118,052
William Otten (LRC) $138,345
William Pearsol (LRC) $126,741
Cynthia Peterson (Ed. Reform Cons.) $124,466
Herman Pipe (LRC) $118,286
Michelle Prater (Comm. Cons.) $124,544
Dinica Quesada (Ed. Reform Cons.) $116,190
Ronald Rapp (Dir. Gov. Serv.) $120,968
Marci Reimund (LRC) $124,482
Thomas Reynaud (LRC) $124,520
Lynne Rumsey (LRC) $106,565
Sheila Saad (LRC) $124,446
Venita Shoulders (LRC) $143,163
Carrie Smolik (LRC) $124,417
Jerry Squires (LRC) $127,102
Edward Stephenson (LRC) $124,486
Mary Suchy (Dir. Of Membership) $137,965
Melodie Terman (LRC) $124,640
Ann Thomas (LRC) $101,148
Diane Tieman (LRC) $124,473
Patricia Turner (Research Cons.) $124,171
Eric Urban (LRC) $111,939
Rebecca Illimani (LRC) $129,229
Cecelia Weldon (LRC) $174,285
Cathy White (LRC) $125,132
Don Williams (LRC) $141,734
Debra Wing (LRC) $118,328
Michelle Winship (Ed. Reform Cons.) $100,506
Norman Young (LRC) $124,396
II. Salaries from $60,000 to $99,999
Jolynn Austin (Staff Accountant 1) $67,905
Alexandru Barbu (CIS Consultant) $84,866
Lynn Bartlo (Admin. Secy. II) $62,280
Katherine Boerger (LRC) $85,867
Gail Botz (Comm. Tech.) $72,942
Lisa Brooks (Ex. Asst.-Counsel) $76,927
Richard Castorano (Ex. Asst. Memb. Svcs.) $85,019
Graciela Chanfrau (Dir. Human Res.) $74,909
Danielle Chute (Staff Account. II) $69,628
Cathy Cline (Admin. Secy. II) $61,536
Tad Colbeck (LRC) $85,628
Shelly Colyer (Admin. Secy. II) $64,285
Margaret Crumrine (Admin. Secy. II) $61,955
Elaine Davis (Admin. Secy. II) $62,540
Daniel Day (LRC) $96,040
Arlene Doubledee (Admin. Asst.) $65,059
Dawn Elias (Ex. Asst. H/R) $86,506
Joyce Facchiano (Admin. Secy. II) $62,117
Kathleen Gallagher (Admin. Asst.) $71,483
Sandra Gonzales (Admin. Secy. II) $62,378
Schalet Jackson (LRC) $93,968
Todd Jaeck (LRC) $95,495
Barbara Johanson (Admin. Secy. II) $61,989
Patricia Johnson (LRC) $82,997
Esther Jones (Admin. Secy II) $61,605
Teresa Kalkaska (Memb. Account.) $74,060
John Kappes (Tech. Operator) $77,799
Rose Keller (Mgr. Legal Servc.) $93,203
Linda Kelm (Data Entry) $66,297
Diedri Kennedy (LRC) $85,450
Sally Kidwell (Staff Accountant II) $81,876
Susan Lehman (Ed. Reform Consult.) $94,131
Donna Lester (Admin. Secy. II) $63,460
Beverly Martin (Admin Secy. II) $61,698
Debbie Maynard (LRC) $95,874
Vickie Miller (LRC) $67,527
Linda Mills (Account Asst. ) $62,264
Daniel Mueller (LRC) $85,967
Lori Navin (Admin. Secy II) $61,766
Judy Nelson (Admin. Secy. II) $61,579
Kerri Newgard (LRC) $95,852
Sharon Obrien (Admin. Secy. II) $62,313
Crystalle Phillips (Admin. Secy. II) $66,221
Barbara Picker (Admin. Secy. II) $61,405
Debra Puterbaugh (Admin. Secy. II) $62,744
Sam Radel (LRC) $97,436
Patricia Ray (LRC) $85,588
Phyllis Reed (Admin. Secy. II) $61,958
Allison Roberts (LRC) $70,368
Debbie Roberts (Admin. Asst.) $69,284
Miriam Rosa (Admin. Secy. II) $61,926
Beverly Sekella (Ex. Asst. Memb. Svcs.) $66,786
Laura Simonyi (Admin. Asst.) $68,766
Rebecca Slaughter (Mgr. Gov. Relations) $93,126
Peggy Smith (Admin. Secy. II) $61,594
Connie Starcher (Admin. Secy. Ii) $63,733
Joyce Stewart (Admin. Secy. II) $61,559
Angela Thompson (Admin. Secy. II) $62,891
Renee Townley (LRC) $85,988
Delores Tufaro (LRC) $86,623
Jerrilynn Volz-Costell (Executive Asst.) $88,043
Diana Watson (LRC) $90,825
Theresa Whitney (LRC) $90,966
Leroy Wittemire (Exec. Asst. Bus. SVC.) $83,309
Amy Yevincy (LRC) $85,846
Susan Dodge (LRC) $64,188
You can verify the information above by doing the following:
1. Go to . When the page opens, ignore all the blanks; just look for "Basic Search" in bold red letters near the top, and the blue words, "File Number" under that.
2. In the box next to "File Number", enter this employer number: 512-490 and click the "Submit" button.
4. On the next page (titled Union Detail), under the Fiscal Year column, click the first item, "2010 Report." Scroll down to SCHEDULE 11 - ALL OFFICERS AND DISBURSEMENTS TO OFFICERS
Larry KehresMount Union Collge
Division III
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