Monday, January 31, 2011

Something the OEA just doesn't want to seem to face.....

From John Curry, January 31, 2011
Most active educators will, one day, become retirees under the STRS......very few STRS retirees will ever step foot back into the classroom.....they don't have that luxury of time on their side to make life-altering decisions or to plan how to increase their retirement paychecks for worse times, do they? One thing for sure..... in the eyes of the OEA...retirees aren't paying dues to support THEIR officials' lifestyles, are they?
Patricia Frost-Brooks (President): $172,288
William Leibensperger (Vice-President): $149,450
James Timlin (Secy.-Treasurer): $150,426
Larry Wicks (Executive Director): $185,108
Larry KehresMount Union Collge
Division III
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