Sunday, February 20, 2011

Kathie Bracy to Senator Kevin Bacon: Do not support SB 5

From Kathie Bracy, February 20, 2011
Subject: Please do NOT support SB 5
Dear Senator Bacon,
I do not know what your position is on SB 5, but if you are supporting it, I strongly urge you to please reverse your stand.
To remove collective bargaining from our teachers and workers all over the state to me is almost like burning the American flag. Ohio's leaders need to stand up for what is RIGHT and work WITH the unions, not against them.
I will be 73 in a few weeks, and have been a lifelong Republican. If this bill passes, I can assure you I will be voting a Democratic ticket until the Republican Party comes to its senses. I am very much ashamed of our governor and what the Republican Party has become.
Please tell me you support union educators and laborers, and are doing the right thing by NOT supporting SB 5.
Katherine B. Bracy
Columbus, OH 43229
Larry KehresMount Union Collge
Division III
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