Monday, February 28, 2011


From Mario Iacone, February 27, 2011
Subject: Urgent Collective Bargaining Advisory (from NEOEA)
Please see for information on NEOEA's bus to Wednesday's Educator Lobby Day.

The current assault on collective bargaining rights has brought an unprecedented level of activity from many political, social, and labor groups. Following is an attempt to aggregate that information together in one place. Below, you'll see information about events on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday, and multiple ways to get to the same event.

Monday, February 28

from America Votes:

Monday February 28, 6:00pm Councilman Kevin Conwell and the rest of Cleveland City Council will be presenting a resolution in support of labor and against Senate Bill 5. Join AFLCIO,CPPA Cleveland Police, LOCAL 93 Cleveland FIRE Fighters, International Union of Painters and Allied Trades, International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers and Cleveland Teacher LOCAL 279 Cleveland City Council Chambers 601 Lakeside Ave. Cleveland, Ohio 44114.

Please contact Pete DiBiase @ 216.970.8196 or if you have further questions.

Tuesday, March 1

from the Cleveland Teachers Union:

CTU is sending 5 buses to Columbus on Tuesday, March 1 at 9am to help defeat Senate Bill 5. We are leaving from Strongsville's Westfield Mall (also known as Southpark mall). We would like to invite any of your members to join us. The rally begins at 11 am. The buses will leave Columbus at 4pm and are expected to return to the Southpark mall at 6pm. Please let me know if you have members who will be attending. Thanks for all of your efforts.

Michele Pomerantz
Director of Political Action/COPE
Cleveland Teachers Union local 279

Phone: (216)861-7676

from the Ohio Education Association:

online at

OEA will open at 8:30 so you can pick up signs, water, snacks and hear an update about the bill.

RSVPs are not required, but are helpful and appreciated. By letting us know that you are planning to attend, we are better able to be prepared to assist you and your colleagues.

Date: Tuesday, March 1, 2011
Time: 8:30 AM - 3:00 PM

225 East Broad Street
Columbus, OH 43215

If you'd like to attend this event you can RSVP online.

from Protect Ohio Families:

Information on a variety of events is being aggregated by Protect Ohio Families and made available online at:

Tues. March 1

West Lawn of the Statehouse, 10AM and going all day

Ohio’s working families and middle class are under attack.

Kasich and his political allies have introduced legislation that would:

• Take away the rights of firefighters, teachers, nurses and other public service workers, who provide vital services to our communities.

• Rework laws on overtime compensation.

• Go after retirement for public service workers.

• Repeal laws that protect quality and efficiency in public construction projects and wages for all building trades workers.


Enough is enough. Gov. Kasich and other lawmakers were elected to create good jobs that raise the bar for all workers, not attack Ohio’s working families with anti-worker legislation.

For more info, visit

from the North Shore Federation of Labor:

Brother and Sisters,

We will have 2-3 buses going to Columbus Tuesday. They will leave at 7 a.m. and return anytime from 6-7:30 p.m. The hearing is scheduled for 10 a.m. There will be a rally with music and speakers starting at 11 a.m. and going for the rest of the day. This is the time to get a HUGE crowd in Columbus! We need many thousands!

Stay tuned for more details about times and locations. At least one bus will leave from Laborers 310 and maybe two. We will email you as details are ironed out but no later than Monday noon.

It has just come to light that there will also be hearings on SB 5 on both Wednesday and Thursday. There is a good likelihood that the bill will be voted on Thursday of next week. This means there will be a need for another huge crowd two days after the first one. Please keep this in mind as you make your plans for next week and talk to your friends and co-workers about a new batch of folks making that second trip Thursday.

Please respond ASAP to this email with regard to your interest in going by bus. We will be getting a third bus for Tuesday based on the interest expressed by early Monday morning.

Please see online flyer for more information on the rally:


Harriet Applegate

emailed from the Ohio Democratic Party, 2/27, 3:31 PM:

Despite overwhelming public opposition, Senate Republicans are continuing their assault on Ohio’s middle class. This Tuesday, the State Senate is expected to hold a committee vote on Senate Bill 5. We need to flood the Statehouse and tell Senate Republicans to vote NO. We want to invite you to join thousands of like-minded Ohioans at the “Rally for Ohio’s Middle Class” this Tuesday at the Statehouse.

Here are the details for the rally:

Rally for Ohio’s Middle Class
Tuesday, March 1 at 10:00 a.m.
Ohio Statehouse – West Lawn
1 Capitol Square
Columbus, OH 43215

You can sign up for the rally by clicking here. (Or go to:

John Kasich won the last election in a wave year with less than a majority of the vote. Now, he’s acting like he can ignore the will of the people of Ohio. In a fundraising email, he even mocked Ohioans who are standing up for our middle class, and his Administration locked thousands of Ohioans out of the People’s House last week. The actions of the Republicans are outrageous – and we can’t sit idly by when so much is at stake.

This Tuesday, we need to make sure that Kasich and Senate Republicans hear our voices more loudly and passionately than ever before. Will you join the thousands of Ohioans who will rally against Senate Bill 5?

Our advocacy has made a huge impact already. Republican Senators are feeling the heat. Polls show that more than 60 percent of Americans are on our side. And your presence at the Statehouse will send a clear message to Republican Senators: Stop the assault on Ohio’s middle class!

Please click here to let us know you’re coming, and join us at Statehouse this Tuesday at 10:00 a.m.

In solidarity,

The Ohio Democratic Party

P.S. Bus rides to the Statehouse are available on a first-come, first-serve basis across Ohio. They will depart from: Cincinnati, Cleveland, Dayton, Marietta, Middletown, Toledo and Youngstown. If you are interested, please sign up here.

from Mary L. Devring, Executive Director, Cuyahoga County Democratic Party:

We will have TWO buses - separate from AFL - leaving Cuyahoga County Democratic HQ on Tuesday. March 1, 2011, Departure time is 7:00 am for the 9:30 hearing! Please plan on arriving at 1466 St. Clair no later than 6:30 am. The coffee will be on! The buses will return around 7:00 p.m.

Please call Democratic Headquarters at 216.621.9750 for your reservation a.s.a.p. (leave a message with your name and phone number if the lines are busy). You can also call Mary Devring, Executive Director, at 216.789.7649 on Monday from 5:00-9:00 pm. Seats will be on a first-come-first-served basis. If we can't get you on one of our buses we will find you as seat on one of the labor buses. Please dress warm and bring water and/or a snack because we will not be stopping. Also, try to get dropped off at Headquarters or carpool because there are limited parking spaces at Headquarters.

Let your voice be heard! Stop SB5!

Wednesday, March 2

from the North Eastern Ohio Education Association:

online at

Join Us for Historic Educator Lobby Day

Educator Lobby Days provide an opportunity for members to meet with state legislators to discuss key educational issues. In an effort to broaden support for public education issues and build partnerships, OEA has invited education partners including parents, administrators, school board members, and students to join our lobby day efforts. The next OEA Educator Lobby Day will be Wednesday, March 2, 2011. All OEA lobby days begin with a briefing at 9:00 a.m. in the Media Center on the second floor of the OEA Headquarters Building, located at 225 E. Broad Street, Columbus. The briefing usually ends around 9:45 a.m.

Our strong showing of collective power on Lobby Day can determine the outcome of critical legislation. To reserve a place on the NEOEA bus, send us your contact information.

from the Ohio Education Association:

Rally in Painesville on the Square



4:00P – 6:30P


This 2.5 hours may be the last chance to save collective bargaining.
Wear your school colors and something with your school name.

This is family friendly and we encourage any participation.

Larry KehresMount Union Collge
Division III
web page counter
Vermont Teddy Bear Company