Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Ann, there must be some mistake!

John Curry to Ann Hanning, March 16, 2011


Today, when I went to the mailbox, I found a letter from you, ORTA and the United of Omaha Life Insurance Company. In this package I was referred to as a "Dear Valued Member" and it says that I am an "ORTA member." Copies
of this correspondence are attached.

In your letter to me (in fact, I'm a non-ORTA member and never was one for good reason) you state that this insurance benefit "leaves a gift behind for loved ones." Those, Ann, are really nice thoughts and praiseworthy but there are some other even more praiseworthy actions that your organization can do but hasn't.

One such action is the public criticism of Senate Bill 5 which your organization refuses to do. Public educators won't be able to "leave (any) gift(s) behind for loved ones" if they have their collective bargaining taken away from them. When will ORTA get its head out of the sand,wake up long enough to smell the bacon and take a stand to enable actives protection from unfair dismissals due to SB 5 language?

(Click images TWICE to enlarge.)

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