Thursday, March 03, 2011

Retired educator to Sen. Cliff Hite....You 'sold out' your fellow teachers and ALL PUBLIC employees

From Debbie Rudy-Lack, March 3, 2011
Senator Hite,
Even though I am not a constituent in your district, I felt the need to respond to your vote on SB 5 yesterday. I watched your "performance" on a live video stream on the Ohio Channel. And as much as I understand your personal experience regarding your football days, that doesn't quite compare to what SB 5 will be doing to teachers. Given that I am a retired teacher of 32 years, I can only address the bill from my perspective.
Here is what you and your "yes" colleagues have done to teachers:
1) You have destroyed the careers of veteran teachers because SB 5 will allow them to be RIF'ed should the superintendent and Bd.of Ed. decide it is financially necessary.
2) Those same teachers will never be able to finish their careers because there won't be another district who will hire them, for they have too many years in the classroom and too much education. (The ODE now requires that teachers earn a master's degree.)
3) Due to the fact that they will be essentially "laid off"...they can now collect unemployment benefits (doesn't that cost the state monies??) and hopefully they will be able to "re-train" themselves for another career....albeit not the one they originally chose.
4) This will ultimately have an impact on pension contributions to STRS...if 10% of my salary goes to STRS, 10% of a 22 year teacher's salary is a lot more than a first, second, or third year teacher's contribution. Thus, STRS will suffer financially....which will contribute to the problems already occurring at STRS.
5) SB 3 and HB 69, if passed, as they are now "placeholder bills", would require teachers to teach to age 60 with 35 years in the classroom....that isn't going to happen if SB 5 passes the House. Teachers in the classroom right now will NEVER be able to complete the requirements necessary to retire with their FULL pension. (I'm guessing you weren't thinking about this as you were "flashing" your college football ring yesterday.)
Senator, imagine my surprise when I found out in a Google search that YOU are a retired teacher, collecting a pension from STRS!! I couldn't believe what I was reading. Senator, are YOU collecting a full pension from STRS? Senator, were YOU able to complete your teaching career, a career you CHOSE to enter?
Ahhh, I forgot, you can now also collect a pension as a public servant AND you have health care, which is far better than what many of your fellow Ohioans have.
Nice gig Senator, if you can get it....but not all of us are as lucky as you. We chose to teach, and now for many of my colleagues, they will not realize their dreams of retiring in the profession they have chosen.
You "sold out" your fellow teachers and ALL public employees in the State of Ohio.....and for that Senator you should hang your head in shame!
I'm including my FULL address and email address so that you can respond to my letter. I am anxiously awaiting your response, but I don't believe I'll get anything more than an automated email letter from your office.
Deborah Rudy-Lack
retired teacher
Larry KehresMount Union Collge
Division III
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