Monday, April 18, 2011
From John Curry, April 19, 2011
Privatization of the education sector in Ohio
Since the mid-1990s, Ohio has been a leader in the expansion of charter schools and vouchers. The state currently has three voucher programs – the Cleveland program, the Educational Choice voucher statewide, and the autism voucher. Since the legislature passed the state’s first charter law in 1997, Ohio has seen rapid growth of charters as well, with more than 320 operating in the state during the 2009-10 school year. Funds for school vouchers and publicly funded, privately run charters are deducted from the districts where participating students live. Table 3 shows that annual increases in state funding for education have been outstripped by money deducted from state funds directed to school districts. 
Source: Policy Matters Ohio, based on data from the Ohio Office of Budget and Management, including Executive Budget Proposal, 2012-13. Year-to-year changes are in nominal dollars, not adjusted for inflation.
*Estimates by Policy Matters Ohio assuming half of voucher slots filled in 2012 and all 60,000 slots filled in 2013; half of special education voucher slots filled in 2012 and all slots filled in 2013; and 18 percent growth in charter school enrollment each year.
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