John Curry to RH Jones, May 1, 2011
Subject: Re: ORTA needs to form a legally separate Political Action Group
Bob....you wonder "why ORTA has not formed such a group?" I'll tell you why...it's because they are only a luncheon bunch and are led by many who don't want to criticize when ultra conservative politicians set out to destroy public education along with public pensions. In 10 words or less...NO GUTS!
From RH Jones, May 1, 2011
Subject: ORTA needs to form a legally separate Political Action Group
To all:
The AkronEA has a fund raising site to back politician action that is in the best interest of its members. It is called, the Akron Teachers Political Action Committee (ATPAC).
They are having a fund-raising drive to fight SB 5. Contributions of $20 are being asked to contribute.
The ATPAC is a private group, separate by law from the AEA, organized to elect political candidates or to advance political issues. Political action committees exist because it is illegal under federal and state law for interest groups, like AEA.
I wonder why ORTA has not formed such a group? SB 5 will severely impact our STRS’s ability to fund our pension, HC/Rx & 3% COLA that is non-compounding.
RHJones, an elder Life Member of ORTA
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