Thursday, June 30, 2011

Minutes for the June 16, 2011 CORE Meeting

At 12:25 on Thursday, June 16th, President Dave Parshall opened the Concerned Ohio Retired Educators (CORE) Meeting. After welcoming two new attendees, Mary Lou and Robert Guizzo from Montgomery County, President Parshall had the 12 other attendees introduce themselves.
Mary Ellen Angeletti moved that the minutes from the April CORE meeting (there was no meeting in May) be accepted. George Justice seconded the motion. The members unanimously approved the April minutes.
Carole DePaola presented our treasurer’s report, informing members that bills have been paid and that the CORE bank balance is healthy right now. Treasurer Carole gave the new membership forms she’d acquired to President Dave, who will forward the information to Ryan Holderman.
President Dave explained his SB 5 petition gathering and dispersal of the 30 CORE member petitions. He reported that 27 of the 30 petitions had been mailed back to him; he, in turn, returned those to the OEA, which was thankful for CORE’s help. (Treasurer DePaola has reimbursed him $400 – of the $459 total - for the cost of the mailing effort.)
President Parshall detailed his Express Scripts ordeal, which he plans to write about and put on Kathie Bracy’s blog. Dave’s hope is that his story might help other members avoid some of his troubles. He made a point to praise STRS’ Sandy Knoesel and Greg Nickell for their help in helping him resolve his dilemma.
The meeting adjourned at 12:50. Before we departed, President Dave Parshall reminded the group that the next meeting will be on August 11th.
Respectfully submitted,
Marie M. Fetters
CORE Secretary
Larry KehresMount Union Collge
Division III
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