Friday, October 07, 2011

RH Jones: Letter to the Akron Beacon Journal

October 7, 2011
Reject GOP agenda shaped by big money
The GOP is neither the Grand Old Party nor a government of the people any longer. Faithful Republicans have been duped by radical politicians who work not for them, but for their corporate business managers, who are evidently filling the radicals’ bank accounts with great amounts of dollars.
Also, as average Americans sell their gold just to live, the foreign and domestic super-rich are filling their pockets with it.
The GOP’s relentless nationwide attack on working people, those out of work, those struggling to find work and those who have given up looking have caused America’s future to look grim.
Our solution, as good citizens, is to get out to vote in large numbers, to throw the radicals out of office and to keep on voting in every election to permanently keep them out of office.
But as a consequence of falling income, and with less buying power due to the inflated dollar, America’s struggling people are having difficulty voting. Even getting to a neighborhood voting location, or finding money for stamps to use on absentee ballots, is difficult. The radical GOP knows this.
This is the reason here in Ohio that they are trying to make voting even harder for some of us. A GOP-back bill would require voters to have a photo ID, even when there are very few reports of voting fraud. Everyone knows that poll workers are hired and trained to identify the individual voter.
The time is coming this Nov. 8 for the people to take back the government from those who would take Americans back to the pre-revolutionary times when foreigners, and a few of their American lackeys, had all the power instead of the people. By voting next Nov. 8 and beyond, we will peacefully return power to where it belongs, with the American people.
Robert H. Jones
Larry KehresMount Union Collge
Division III
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