From Jim Stoll, June 24, 2013
John and all, I find it interesting that STRS buried the financial news
below in a June Newsletter. At this rate of burn through cash, even despite
recent changes Strs, by my calculations STRS will soon fall below the 30 year
funding required by law and more painful changes for retirees and actives will
be necessary to stay solvent. Burning through two billion dollars every year
will bankrupt the system eventually. Oh and look what we got from our
millionaire club investment staffers with their outrageous bonuses. A little
more than 2 percent return, but hey they beat their benchmark, so lets pay them
millions in Bonuses..... When will STRS membership wake up and demand
changes......probably when it's too late.
Investments, Financial and Benefits News Update
Investment and financial highlights for fiscal year 2012
• STRS Ohio paid $5.7 billion in
service retirement, disability and survivor benefits to about 143,200 benefit
recipients, plus $628 million for health care coverage.
• STRS Ohio received about $2.6
billion in member and employer contributions. Net investment income totaled
about $1.2 billion.
• The investment rate of return was
2.34% in fiscal 2012. Five- and 10-year total fund annualized returns are 1.08%
and 6.95%, respectively.
• Plan assets decreased 3.8% from the
prior fiscal year.
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