Monday, February 24, 2014

Duke Snider: What business is it of STRS whether retirees have a second income or not?

Duke Snider to STRS, February 24, 2014

From February Board News, 2/24/14:
More than nine out of 10 retiree households have at least once source of income in addition to their STRS Ohio pension, and on average, STRS Ohio provides about 58% of retirees’ income.
.....and it isn't just the price of gasoline; have you noticed lately what's happening to your grocery bill? KBB
What business is it of STRS whether retirees have a second income or not?  Retirees’ COLA  has been reduced to 0% for one year then to 2% thereafter!!  Now gas is $3.60 a gallon yet we retirees have to absorb that cost, although some people says the cost of living hasn't gone up.  What rock are they living under?
By the way, I never received any survey.  I wish I did.  And STRS is still with Segal!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Duke Snider
Sardinia, Ohio
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